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Scholarship Application
Reverence Dance Foundation partners with Durango Dance and Mancos Dance to provide scholarships to students in-need. An application does not guarantee a scholarship, though we will try our best.

Priority is given to currently enrolled or returning students. Scholarships are distributed 3x/year. Scholarships must be reapplied for each semester.

Please also fill out the registration form for Durango Dance at or for Mancos Dance at

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Parent's Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Child(ren)'s Name(s) and Ages(s)
What other extra-curricular activities do your children currently participate in? (pageants, baseball, gymnastics)
What are the contributing reasons you are seeking a scholarship?
What level of scholarship are you seeking?
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What is your family's current annual income level from all sources (including child support and SSI)?
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What dance classes are you hoping to join (or already enrolled in)?
Are there any other relevant facts you'd like us to consider?
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