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Bike fit booking enquiry
Simply complete the form below with the preferred dates and we will get back to you with availability.

Appointments are available on Tuesday through to Saturday at 9.30am or 1.30pm

C and N Cycles 32 Station Rd, Redhill, Surrey. RH1 1PD. Tel 01737 760857.

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Email *
First name *
Surname *
Mobile phone number *
Address 1: Number or name *
Road or Street name
Post code *
Brand of bike, model, and size to be fitted: Example; Trek, Emonda, 56cm *
Pedal System

Select which type of bike fit below (click for description of each), note if you have any form of clipless pedal system you will need our 'Dynamic' or 'Tri' Fit. 

If you are selecting any of the stand alone 'Shoe and Cleat' or 'Sidas Custom made footbed' packages note that does not include any on the bike analysis, you will need to select a 'Dynamic' or 'Tri' fit for that.
Type of 'Fit' *
Please enter a 1st and 2nd preferred date and time below.
We are closed Sunday and Monday so naturally please only request Tuesday through to Saturday. If both dates are booked we will contact you to advise so we can sync our diaries with an alternative date
1st Preferred date *
1st date preferred time 9.30am or 1.30pm.  *
2nd Preferred date *
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