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Rehab Near Me North Carolina :The Best Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers
Inpatient treatment is an intensive form of rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction.It follows the medical detox phase and combines behavioral therapy to tackle the rootcause of addictive behavior. Under an inpatient program, recovering individuals can get the proper medical attention they require, because professionals can evaluate their condition properly.

The problem with addiction is that it keeps people from quitting the substance of their choice. That is why addicted people struggle with cravings and other temptations. Addictive substances alter their brain in a way that dulls their judgment and keeps them from making good decisions.Even if they manage to stop for a while, they will go through withdrawal and eventually relapse. It becomes dangerous to quit without the aid of medical professionals. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening.

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Drug Rehab Centers North Carolina
Addiction Treatment Centers For Drugs, Alcohol and Prescription Drug Abuse

The number of people struggling with addiction in North Carolina is astounding. With an opioid epidemic that is killing thousands of people in the US every year, it is important to take a look at the whole picture: why addiction is so dangerous and how treatment works for those who are suffering from it. It is safe to say that those who are dealing with addiction and substance abuse are not alone. So as overwhelming as this problem may seem, patients should know that there are resources they could use to get back to living a sober life. Here we will explore some of the most effective treatment options out there. But first, to demonstrate the severity of the issue, here are some important statistics about drug addiction. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health or NSDUH, 19.7 million American adults over 12 years old battled a substance use disorder in 2017. Almost 74 percent of adults suffering from a substance use disorder in 2017 struggled with an alcohol use disorder. Still in 2017, almost 38 percent of adults battled an illicit drug use disorder. In fact, 1 out of every 8 adults struggled with both alcohol and drug use disorders simultaneously. In terms of co-occurring disorders, 8.5 million American adults suffered from both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder that same year. The fight against addiction is very costly. Drug abuse and addiction cost the US more than $740 billion annually in terms of lost workplace productivity, healthcare expenses, and crime-related costs. The causes of addiction are varied. This is another thing that makes dealing with addiction complicated. There are genetic factors, environmental factors, and mental health factors to consider. Genetics account for about 40 to 60 percent of a person’s risk of addiction. A chaotic or abusive home can increase this risk further. Parent’s drug use, attitude towards drugs, peer influences, community influences, and other things can contribute to this as well.


When it comes to substance abuse, men and women face unique issues. There are sex and gender differences that may make individuals more susceptible to substance abuse. Sex differences result from biology. Gender differences relate to the culturally defined roles for men and women, as well as those who identify differently. Such roles and expectations influence how they interact with others. Sex and gender can also interact with each other to create even more complex differences between men and women. In popular media, men are often depicted as more likely to get drunk or abuse drugs. In some ways, reality inspires fictional portrayals, and sometimes, it goes the other way around. In 2017, about 9.4 percent of men age 12 and older had a substance use disorder. This is much higher than the 5.2 percent of women who had the same problems. Men are more likely to abuse illicit drugs than women. However, women are just as prone to addiction when they do abuse the substances. Generally speaking, men are more likely to use almost all types of illicit drugs, and are more likely to end up in an emergency room. Illicit drugs are defined as illegal drugs. This includes marijuana, according to federal law. It also refers to the misuse of prescription drugs. For most age groups, men have higher rates of use or dependence on illicit drugs and alcohol than women.


Women also face unique issues when it comes to substance use. Scientists who study addiction and drug abuse discovered that women who use drugs can have issues related to hormones, fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, and the menstrual cycle. In addition, women themselves describe unique reasons for using drugs. Some women do it to control weight, fight exhaustion, cope with pain, and to try and self-treat mental health problems. 19.5 million, or 15.4 percent, of women ages 18 and above have used illicit drugs in the past year. Women abuse substances differently than men. Divorce, loss of child custody, or the death of a partner or child can trigger women’s substance use or other mental health disorders. And similarly, they also respond to substances differently. From 1999 to 2014, the number of women with opioid use disorder at labor and delivery quadrupled. They may take smaller amounts of certain drugs for less time before they become addicted. Women may have more drug cravings and may be more likely to relapse after treatment. Hormones can make women more sensitive to the effects of some drugs. Women have also been found to be more prone to physical effects on their heart and blood vessels. Because of this, women are also more likely to die from overdose. Women who are victims of domestic violence have an increased risk of substance use. Substance use during pregnancy is another factor that makes the experience unique for women. Drug abuse while pregnant is very risky to the woman’s health and that of her children. It can have both short term and long term effects on both of them. Most drugs could potentially harm an unborn baby. Some substances also increase the risk of miscarriage while also causing migraines, seizures, or high blood pressure in the mother—all of which may affect her fetus. This is why pregnant women should always check with their health care provider before taking any medications. When a woman uses drugs regularly during pregnancy, the baby can go through withdrawal after birth. This condition is called neonatal abstinence syndrome or NAS. NAS can occur if a pregnant woman uses opioids, alcohol, caffeine, and some prescription sedatives. The severity of a baby’s withdrawal symptoms depend on the drug used and the mother’s drug habits. Symptoms of NAS in a newborn can develop immediately or up to 14 days after birth. Common symptoms of NAS include: diarrhea, fever, increased heart rate, irritability, rapid breathing, seizures, sleep problems, slow weight gain, vomiting, and trembling.
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Gender differences might make addiction a bit more unique between men and women, but the effects can be somewhat predictable based on the substance taken by the individual. Street drugs, for example, are taken only for their recreational purposes. They do not have any medical benefits—but people take them in order to get high. While the euphoric experience caused by these street drugs can make a person feel good, it is also expected to make them suffer from adverse effects later on, especially with continued use. Cocaine is one of the most commonly abused street drugs out there. The National Institutes on Health or NIH report that there were roughly 1.5 million cocaine users aged 12 or older in 2014. That is 0.6 percent of the population. Adults ages 18 to 25 are most likely to abuse cocaine. Men are more likely to use cocaine than women. In fact, there were over 3,000 male overdose deaths in 2014, while only 1,000 female overdose deaths were recorded.

When short term cocaine use crosses the line into long term abuse, the risks increase and the dangers become more apparent. Long term effects of cocaine abuse include extreme fatigue, headaches, nosebleeds, abdominal pain, significant weight loss, heart attack, stroke, seizures, respiratory arrest, widespread cardiovascular disease, and death. Heroin is another commonly abused street drug, made from the opiate called morphine. Street names for it include smack, horse, hell dust, and big H. Long term heroin abuse may lead to insomnia, damaged tissue, abscesses, infection of the heart lining and valves, lung complications, mental disorders, sexual dysfunction, and irregular menstrual cycles. The NSDUH reported that about 948,000 Americans were using heroin in 2016. The trend is mostly driven by young adults aged 18 to 25. The number of people using heroin for the first time is high, with 170,000 people starting heroin use in 2016. Out of all the street drugs, however, marijuana may be the most popular. Approximately 4.1 million American adults over the age of 12 battled a marijuana use disorder in 2017. Most of the people struggling with marijuana addiction that year were between ages 12 and 25.


As widely used as street drugs are, prescription drugs are still more widespread these days in North Carolina. The fact that there is an opioid epidemic right now only shows that the problem is indeed serious. Prescription drugs have medical benefits—this is why they are being prescribed for certain conditions in the first place. But they can also be abused. In fact, because of their accessibility, people are actually more likely to abuse these medications. Some people use it as a gateway drug. Pain relievers, stimulants, tranquilizers, and sedatives can make a person feel euphoric. This is their most common side effect. This is also what makes people abuse their meds. In 2017, around 1.7 million people age 12 and above had a problem with pain relievers. According to a new study published in the journal Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, people who were admitted to opioid treatment programs who abused only prescription opioids, were about 5 years younger than individuals who admitted solely for heroin abuse or dependency. The same goes for those who abused both heroin and prescription opioids. Opioids and opiates are used for their painkilling properties. They are used to manage pain ranging from moderate to severe. But it’s an entirely different story once a person misuses or abuses their given prescription.

These are very potent substances that can cause addiction or physical dependence. The difference between opioids and opiates are minor: opioids are synthetic and semi-synthetic substances derived from the opium poppy plant, while opiates are natural substances. However, their adverse effects are the same. Taking high doses of opioids can lead to addiction, tolerance, and dependence. You can tell that a person is high on opioids if they seem sedated, elated, or confused. They may have constricted pupils, they may become constipated, and they can even lose consciousness. Opioid abuse can slow a person’s breathing. Developing physical dependence can be tough. This means that the body has adapted to the drug’s presence, and will therefore react negatively if intake is stopped. The user will experience withdrawal if they attempt to quit opioids. Common withdrawal symptoms include nausea, anxiety, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and even respiratory depression. This is why detoxification is necessary. Self-regulation rarely works and is more likely to cause relapse.
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