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Join the Care First Campaign
Our Tikkun Olam Leadership Team (TOLT) organizes Beth El's collective effort. Sign up here to join the ongoing "Care First, Jail Last" campaign or learn more about TOLT.
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, or contact Becki Cohn-Vargas
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Please contact me to speak with a TOLT member to learn more about TOLT.
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Would you like to be on the list to receive emails about campaign advocacy needs?
Please check all activities you think you or someone in your household might do as part of the Care First, Jails Last Campaign:
Email or call some friends and maybe others, given talking points about the campaign
Attend a County Board of Supervisors meeting (on Zoom) and possibly speak, with given talking points.
Contact non-Beth El people you know personally (particularly in Livermore, Dublin, Pleasanton, Fremont)).
Be part of a Beth El task team with a short-term assignment (e.g. produce a digital poster).
Attend a Care First direct action event in person
Help reach out to other faith organizations in our local community.
Youth programs: help lead or design a youth-focused Care First event.
Youth programs: bring my children/family to a youth-focused event.
Whatever the campaign needs!
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