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The Southern Staff application
The Southern is always looking for motivated writers, photographers, graphic designers and creators wanting to make a difference through journalism with a team of their peers. No experience is required, but we ask that you fill out this application in order for us to get to know you, gauge your best fit on our team and get in contact.

Position responsibilities range from managing social media accounts, websites, to photography, editing, writing  and reporting.

Thank you for your interest. 
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number (Not Required)
Do you have experience writing for a newspaper or other type of publication? (It's okay if not) *
Explain previous experiences. If none, please type NA. *
How familiar are you with The Southern? *
I read every article / follow @fscsouthern on instagram
Never heard of it
Why are you interested in joining The Southern? *
What are your main skills? *
Please check which content creation and management systems you are familiar with to any extent. *
Anything else you'd like to tell our staff :)
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