Online workshop "Memory and Attention in Healthy and Pathological Ageing: Theories and Applications"
Welcome to the registration form for Online workshop "Memory and Attention in Healthy and Pathological Ageing: Theories and Applications", which will be held online (Zoom) on the 17th and 18th of May 2021, from 2.30pm to 7 pm (GMT+1). Registration is free and open to PhD students, researchers and academics.
The main goal of this event is to bring together academics, researchers, and people from companies to critically discuss cutting-edge insights on memory and attentional processing and how these may change in healthy and pathological aging. Topics we will cover include theoretical and applied research on aging, eye movements, episodic and semantic memory.
The workshop is organised by Dr Moreno I. Coco, Dr Ana Raposo, Dr Emma Delhaye, Dr Giorgia D’Innocenzo, and Ms Anastasiia Mikhailova, and supported by the Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa.