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Blue Crab Recreational Fishing Survey
This is a short and quick questionnaire, of maximum 2 minutes, on recreational fishing of the American blue crab for a study by the University of Alicante (San Vicente del Raspeig).
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1. How long have you been fishing?
Less than 1 year
Between 1-3 years
Between 3-5 years
Between 5-10 years
More than 10 years
Years of fishing
Clear selection
2. Do you fish every day? Specify frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.)
3. Do you belong to any recreational fishing clubs or associations? Specify name and location.  
4. In which areas do you carry out the fishing activity? Specify the most frequent areas: locality, river, beach, etc.  
5. How many hours do you dedicate to it per day?
1-2 h/day
2-3 h/day
4 h/day
more than 4 h/day
I don't know, it depends
6. What time of day do you fish?
In the morning
In the middle of the day
In the evening
All day
Depends on
The Period of the Day
7. What are the fishing techniques you use?
Callinectus sapidus (Imagen)
8. Have you ever seen this species (Image) in your fishing activity?
9. When and where did you first see it? (specify year, season and area)?   
10. What kind of habitat did you find it in? (river, river mouth, lake, coast, beach, etc.).
11.Do you know the term invasive species? Rate from 0 to 5 
I don't know it
Sounds familiar to me
I know of any invasive species
I know of several invasive species
I know a lot of invasive species
I know a lot about the subject and I'm particularly interested in it
Knowledge about the term invasive species
12.  Knowledge about the blue crab? Rate 0 to 5 
I don't know it
Sounds familiar to me
I've seen it in the press
I've seen it personally
I've seen it and fished it sometimes
I know a lot about this species and I'm interested in fishing it
Knowledge About the Blue Crab
13. Have you caught it in your fishing activity? Rate from 0 to 5     
Very common
Frequently, it is a target species
Catching the blue crab in your fishing activity
14. If it is a species that fishes, how many specimens?
1 to 2 specimens/day
2 to 5 specimens/day
5 to 10 specimens/day
10 to 15 specimens/day
More than 15 specimens/day
15. Have you noticed a fluctuation in the trend? Rate from 0 to 5     
I haven't noticed anything
I've noticed changes, but I'm not sure.
Slight increase in recent years
Slight decrease in recent years
Notable decline in recent years
Notable increase in recent years
Decrease in the last year
Increase in the last year
Fluctuation in trend
16. Do you think the blue crab has had an impact on the environment? Rate 0 to 5
I think something in the catches of other species
Catches of other species have declined
Species have disappeared
Catches have declined and even other species have disappeared
All of the above and I have also noticed modifications in habitat and water characteristics
The impact of the blue crab on the environment
17. Do you think the appearance of the blue crab has changed your activity? Type, modality and/or place of fishing
18. Have you seen a female Ovate Blue Crab 
(with eggs)?
I don't know this term
I haven't seen any
Sounds familiar to me
I've seen it in the press
I've personally seen
I've seen and fished sometimes
The sight of an ovate female in fishing activity
19. If you have seen ovated female (with eggs), at what time of year?  You can take more than one option.
20. What do you do with crabs?
21. If you eat them directly, how do you cook them?
Gender? *
< 18 years old
[18 - 50 years] old
> 50 years old
Origin: nationality, region, province, etc.
Occupation or profession (retirement or work).
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