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New Client Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in working with me and for submitting your new client inquiry form.  This form gives me some information about you before we start working together.  Once you complete this form, you will receive a link to my Calendy calendar so you can book an inital appointment.  

Initial herbal consultations are 90 minute sessions.  All other services (dream work, flower essence consultations, deep genealogy coaching) may be scheduled for 60 minutes.

I am now seeing clients in person in the Albuquerque Metro area.  Please let me know if you're interested in seeing me at my office.

For all zoom clients, once you have completed this form, to sign up for an initial herbal consultation use this link: For any other hour session, sign up here:

Thank you,


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Email *
Name *
Birthday *
Phone number *
Gender pronouns *
Best way to reach you? *
Who referred you to my practice? *
What issues or concerns would you like to address in our time together? *
What are your healing intentions for yourself? *
What offerings of mine are you interested in receiving? *
Any other questions for me?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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