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4.1] History of Novel[SECTION FOUR]
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☆The ----------- century has gifted English literature two entirely new form
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☆One of those was 'The Periodical Essay' and the other was 'NOVEL'.
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☆Amitav Ghosh, Vikram Seth and Upamanyu Chatterjee ameliorated the Indian novel in English by adding new features to it.
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☆Since the time of its origin, -------- has been gaining popularity and growing--------.
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☆'The Turn of the Screw' by Henry James
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☆Before 1740, novel originated as the literary form in England.
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☆Drama and poetry were the two literary forms that were fading away.
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☆'The Pilgrim's Progress' by John Bunyan (1678) and '--------'
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☆Murasaki Shikibu's'-------------'(1010) has been described as the world's first novel.
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☆The European novel is often said to begin with 'Don Quixote' by Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes which was published in two parts between 1605 and 1616.
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☆'The Indian Field' was the -----novel in English written by an Indian.
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☆The tradition of Indian English novel has undergone a vital change since its death and it has undoubtedly very bright future.
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☆'Pearl' by John Steinbeck
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☆There are six elements essential of '------'or "Novella".
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☆The foreground for the novel was prepared by all these factors.
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