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Boosting Cohesion, Collaboration, and Performance
Is your team productivity at higher levels consistently? Do your team members:

  • Trust each other implicitly?  
  • Transform conflicts in ways that strengthen their bond as a team?  
  • Think together critically about the tough issues, using their diversity of wisdom?
  • Share accountability and recognition for all successes and failures?
  • Demonstrate a fluidity in their communication and collaboration?

 If you answered, yes, no, or a mix of both, then consider this: High team performance is a result of integration as a unit, not simply by having smart people work together.

Key Benefits

With Communication for Connection, your Leaders will:
  •   Better understand the real barriers to their cohesion, and undermining practices.
  •   Develop a compelling shared vision to guide more engagement and collaboration.
  •   Establish deeper trust and transparency.   
  •   Find ways to promote critical thinking and productive conflict resolution for greater performance.  
  •   Improve their engagement & productivity resulting in high-performance levels

Learning Objectives
  • The Cube: Applying the CUBE to influence your team cohesion.
  •  Aware of Self: Understand your own experiences and uncover other people’s experiences,
  •  Descriptive Self: Telling others about your experience builds partnership rather than making them feel defensive, or hurt.
  • Curious Self: Help other people become more aware of their experiences.  
  • Appreciative Self: See beyond differences and difficult people to the positive intents and potentials in people.  
  • Coaching through the Cube: Build new practices to foster greater interdependence and performance,  

Mode of Delivery
2.5 hours each week facilitated development sessions to shape your leader’s focus, address core challenges, and build new practices to foster greater interdependence and performance.

Tailored approaches for the leaders to use to foster their success. A 6 weeks experience that integrates the new focus, connection, and collaborative practices.

Upon completion of the mastermind program, you will receive a Communication for Connection Leadership Certificate of completion.

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