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Newman Nursing Alumni Mixer — RSVP
PLEASE RSVP BY: October 16

Calling all Newman University Nursing graduates ... this event is for YOU!

WHAT: Newman University Nursing Alumni Mixer
WHEN: October 18 — come and go between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Newman University Campus  |  Alumni Center (2nd floor of Dugan Library)
  • Join us for yummy eats and drinks
  • Mingle and network with fellow alumni in your field
  • Bring a friend! (can be a non-alumni)
  • Encourage fellow nursing alumni friends to attend, too!
  • Meet current NU faculty and learn all about where the nursing program is today and the goals for its future
Hope to see you there - and as always - thanks for all you do!

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Guest's name (if applicable)
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