7th and 8th Grade Carowinds Intent Form
Due: February 28th, 2020 along with a $25 NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT

This form must be filled out for any 7th or 8th grade band student to indicate their intent to participate in the 7th and 8th grade band trip to Carowinds on Saturday, May 16th 2020.  Student and chaperone slots will be reserved based on the order in which intent forms are received.  This year we will be attending the City of the Arts Music Festival at West Forsyth High School.  We will watch all bands perform in addition to our own performance from 8:30am to 12:00pm.  Following the festival we will head to Carowinds for the rest of the day!

*****Students will be REQUIRED TO ATTEND A REHEARSAL ON FRIDAY, MAY 15th, 2020 after school from 2:30-5:00pm to prepare for the performance.*****

STUDENT PACKAGE- approx. $70 (Actual amount will be determined once all intent forms have been filled out)
 Carowinds Park Admission
•       COACH Bus
•       One Meal in the Park
•       Hanes Band Carowinds T-shirt

 Carowinds Park Admission
•       COACH Bus
•       One Meal in the Park
•       Hanes Band Carowinds T-shirt


7:30am - Depart from Thruway Shopping Center
8:00am - Arrive at West Forsyth High School
8:30am-12:00pm - Watch and perform in the City of the Arts Music Festival at West
12:15pm - Depart for Carowinds and eat bagged lunch on bus
2:00pm - Arrive at Carowinds and head into the park with groups (eat dinner with group when they want, all students and chaperones will have a meal ticket that can be used anywhere in the park)
8:00pm - Load back up into buses
9:15pm - Parent pick-up from Thruway Shopping Center


1)  All School rules and policies are in effect for the entire trip (including SMOD).
2)  Positively represent yourself and the school.
3)  No water rides (rides that splash are OK).
4)  Remain with your group at all times.
5)  Be respectful of other students, chaperones, property, and yourself.
6)  In the event of inclement weather, take shelter with your group and wait for instructions from Mrs. Choat.
7)  Students AND Chaperones are required to ride the bus to AND from Carowinds.  Please do not ask to ride separately.
8)  The trip is only open to current band students and chaperones- no siblings.
9)  Students with significant discipline issues may be disqualified from participation.
10) Out of state trips will be cancelled in the event of a raised national terror alert level.
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I have read and understand the rule for participating in the 7th and 8th grade band field trip to Carowinds. *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Parent Full Name *
Primary Emergency Contact Phone # *
Secondary Emergency Contact Phone # *
Third Emergency Contact Phone #
Parent Email Address *
Student Instrument *
Student T-shirt Size *
Questions or Comments
Please use this space to ask any questions and list any information we should know about your child (i.e. medical)
Group Information
We will do our best to accommodate all group requests.  Priority for groups will go to the children of parents who volunteer to chaperone.
Name of First Choice Groupmate
Name of Second Choice Groupmate
Name of Third Choice Groupmate
Name of Fourth Choice Groupmate
Chaperone Information
We are in desperate need of parent chaperones for this trip.  All chaperones must be an approved level 2 volunteer.  If you wish to chaperone but are not a level 2 volunteer, please let us know immediately so we can get you the information required to gain that status.  Chaperones will ride to and from Carowinds on the bus and will remain with their student group at all times during this trip.
Parent Chaperone First Name
Parent Chaperone Last Name
Chaperone's Cellphone #
Chaperone's Email Address
Parent Chaperone T-shirt Size
Clear selection
2nd Parent Chaperone First Name
2nd Parent Chaperone Last Name
2nd Parent Chaperone Cellphone #
2nd Parent Chaperone T-shirt Size
Clear selection
Questions or Comments About Chaperoning
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