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#SupportWarwickPGRs / Open letter / #Warwickbetterpaycampaign

Dear Professor Stuart Croft (Vice-Chancellor and President), Professor Caroline Meyer (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research) and Professor Daniel Branch (Academic Director of Doctoral College).

On Friday (12/09/22), UKRI announced that its minimum stipend would be raised by 10%. Since then, the University has announced that they will match the minimum stipend amount for internally funded students as well as prioritise their hardship fund for PGRs that are self-funded. We welcome this news.

However, this increase in stipends will not be enough by January 2023, with Citi predicting inflation rates to hit 18%. In addition, the recent announcement from the University does not address the financial hardship of international students and those who are currently self-funded. These PGRs will face the sharp end of the cost of living and more support is needed.

PGRs students are, and have been, taking on precarious work to financially support themselves amid the cost of living crisis. Energy bills are extortionate, and rents have increased, leaving many PGRs little choice but to take up part-time work despite studying full-time to complete their PhDs. Whilst we recognise that the University has advised PGRs that they can apply for financial support via the Hardship fund, we understand this support is limited and a temporary ‘safety net’ for PGRs. Whilst we recognise the importance of having an accessible hardship fund, we believe this is not sustainable in supporting PGRs in the long-term.

We recognise that a few Universities have already stepped up and have invested a lot of money into supporting their PGRs. Sheffield Hallam University have recently announced that they will raise their new PhD stipends for internally funded PGRs equivalent to the net real living wage for 3.5 years, committing to raise it as the real living wage rises. In addition, Newcastle University Doctoral College have opened up a Cost-of-Living impact fund for PGR students who are not benefiting from an uplift in stipends. Universities across the sectors are taking additional steps to support their students. As such, we want to use this as an opportunity to implore the University to act in line with other Universities and to respond to the cost of living. We ask for:

  1.  A meeting with the senior management to discuss these issues with PGR, UCU and SU representatives

  2. To provide immediate monthly or periodical bursaries in line with inflation rates and rising energy prices for all PGR students in the 2022/23 academic year.

  3. To ensure parity of PGR policies across all P.H.D students despite funding streams, i.e., sick leave and parental leave to be extended to all PGRs who are not currently eligible.

  4. To provide a fee waiver for all self-funded national and international PGR students during this academic year and equal opportunities

  5. To cover the cost of Immigration Health Surcharge Fees for international students

  6. To review the current hardship fund for PGR students to take into account the cost-of living crisis and ensure it is accessible for all. This includes increasing all pots of support funding i.e. research and travel allowances, in line with inflation. This also includes developing targeted support for groups with dependents, such as unpaid carers.

  7. To commit to regularly reviewing the University PGR stipends and making subsequent changes to stipends in line with increasing inflation rates.
    To develop emergency funding schemes for PGRs that are granted unfunded academic extensions, aside from the expansion of the Hardship Fund and similar.

  8. Increasing the number of scholarships and funding opportunities made available that are in line with inflation increases, allowing students to reapply for departmental funding post-first year, and offering funded extensions to all PGRs, including migrant students

We hope that the University can act decisively on this. We’re more than happy to meet with the University Senior Management Team in the coming weeks.

Yours sincerely, 

  1. Mr. Louis Stockwell, PGR
  2. Ms. Fleur Martin, PGR
  3. Ms. Nathalie Cooper, PGR
  4. Miss. Deema Khunda, PGR
  5. Mr. Niels Jan Boender, PGR
  6. Miss. Imogen Knox, PGR
  7. Ms. Erin Geraghty, PGR
  8. Mr. Jack Bowman, PGR
  9. Miss. Rose Miyonga, PGR
  10. Miss. Leiyun NI, PGR
  11. Ms. Cheng He, PGR
  12. Silvia Naydenova, PGR
  13. Ms. Evelyn Strongylakou, PGR
  14. Mr. Iason Papaioannou-Turner, PGR
  15. Mr. Guillermo Alonso Simón, PGR
  16. Ms. Daeun Jung, PGR
  17. Miss. Danniella Jaye Verity, PGR
  18. Miss. Sophie Clarke, PGR
  19. Professor Charlotte Heath Kelly, Staff
  20. Dr. Gavin Schwartz-Leeper, Staff
  21. Ms. Ninna Makrinov, Staff
  22. Dr. Sivamohan Valluvan
  23. Miss. Syeda Khatun, Student
  24. Dr. Pierre Botcherby
  25. Dr. Anastasia Stavridou, Staff, University of Manchester
  26. Ms. Bronwen Mehta, Staff
  27. Miss. Beckie Rutherford, PGR
  28. Mr. Osamu Miyamae, Student
  29. Ms. Leah Rachel Rea, PGR
  30. Miss, Sumai Abdirizak, Student
  31. Miss, Tor Riches, Student
  32. Miss, Carys Hill, PGR
  33. Mr. Caleb Day, Durham University
  34. Miss. Tooba Mohiuddin Ahmed, University of St. Andrews
  35. Miss. Nazifa Zaman, Warwick alumni
  36. Dr. Cath Lambert, University of Warwick
  37. Ms. Laura Büllesbach, Goldsmiths University
  38. Ms. Mhairi Playford-Brown, Goldsmiths University
  39. Miss. Catrina Brizzi, Goldsmiths University
  40. Ms. Jessie Martin, University of West London
  41. Miss. Liuyue Yang, PGR, University of Warwick
  42. Miss. Mathilde Alain, PGR, University of Warwick
  43. Mrs. Asma Abdi, PGR, University of Warwick 
  44. Mr. Sergei Zotov, PGR, University of Warwick
  45. Mr. Campbell Orchard, PGR, University of Warwick
  46. Mr. Brendan Tam, PGR, University of Warwick
  47. Mx. Shekinah Vera-Cruz, PGR, University of Warwick
  48. Ms. Michaela Pawley, PGR, University of Warwick
  49. Ms. Emily Thelwell, PGR, University of Warwick
  50. Miss. Mia Edwards, PGR, University of Warwick
  51. Miss. Manuela Marai, PGR, University of Warwick
  52. Nathan Parsons, PGR, University of Warwick
  53. Mr. Ronan Mainprize, PGR, University of Warwick
  54. Reem Abuzaid, PGR, University of Warwick
  55. Mr. Carlos Abelardo dos Santos, PGR, University of Warwick
  56. Ms. Melissa Yip, Student, University of Warwick
  57. Miss. Elena Claudi, PGR, University of Warwick
  58. Ms. Shalini Rudra, PGR, University of Warwick
  59. Miss. Lucrezia Sperindio, PGR, University of Warwick
  60. Mr. Ankit Shanker, PGR, University of Warwick
  61. Ms. Alba Priewe, PGR, University of Warwick
  62. Mr. Nicolai Gellwitzki, PGR, University of Warwick
  63. Ms. Saadia Gardezi, PGR, University of Warwick
  64. Mr. Dogachan Dagi, PGR, University of Warwick
  65. Mr. Chase Johnson, PGR, University of Warwick
  66. Mr. William Alexander Haigh, PGR, University of Warwick
  67. Mr. Tom Howe, PGR, University of Warwick
  68. Mr. Mohamed El-Shewy, PGR, University of Warwick
  69. Mr. Gah-Kai Leung, PGR, University of Warwick
  70. Ms. Liz Egan, PGR, University of Warwick
  71. Miss. Imo Kaufman, PGR, University of Nottingham
  72. Miss. Laura Ewart, PGR, Nottingham Trent University
  73. Miss. Claudia Di Tosto, PGR, University of Warwick
  74. Ms. Maria Chiara Scuderi, PGR, University of Leicester
  75. Dr. Fabiola Creed, University of Warwick
  76. Ms. Maria Tauber, PGR, University of Warwick
  77. Ms. Anaïs Walsdorf, PGR, University of Warwick
  78. Mr. Danny Kane, PGR University of Warwick
  79. Miss. Kayleigh Charlton, PGR, University of Bath

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