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Lifestyle Nutrition and Wellness, LLC
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Name *
Home Address *
E-Mail *
Birthdate *
Age *
Best Phone Number *
How did you hear about Lifestyle Nutrition and Wellness?
Would you like to know if your health insurance would cover your visit with a Registered Dietitian? *
If yes, who is your health insurance carrier?
What is the name of the subscriber:
Subscriber ID:
What goals would you like to accomplish? *
I am interested in the following topics. *
Height (feet & inches, please) *
Weight (pounds & ounces, please) *
Describe any recent change(s) in your weight. *
Please list any medications you take and why you the medication. *
How many hours of sleep do you get on average each night? *
Is sleeping a problem?
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Please list any supplements you take & how often you take them. *
Please list any allergies. *
Check any of the following that pertain to you NOW or in the PAST. *
Please list any surgeries you've had. *
For Women (Date of your last menstrual period)
For Women are you pregnant or do you plan on getting pregnant in the next 6 months?
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Do you drink alcohol? If yes, how often? *
Do you use tobacco? If yes, what kind and how often? *
Are you an emotional eater? If yes, please describe. *
How often do you exercise? Please describe your current exercise routine. *
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