How do you pronounce shibe, doge, and gif?
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How do you pronounce the o in "doge"?
As in the meme, not necessarily the Venetian ruler
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How do you pronounce the g in "doge"?
As in the meme, not necessarily the Venetian ruler
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How do you pronounce the e in "doge"?
As in the meme, not necessarily the Venetian ruler
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How do you pronounce "doge"? (As in the meme)
NOT necessarily the Venetian ruler.
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How familiar are you with the doge meme?
(Not the Venetian ruler)
Never heard of it
I use it all the time
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How do you pronounce "doge"? (As in the Venetian ruler)
NOT necessarily the meme.
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How familiar are you with doge as in the Venetian ruler?
(Not the meme)
Never heard of it
I use it all the time
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How do you pronounce the i in "shibe"?
As in the doge meme, a variation of shiba
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How do you pronounce the e in "shibe"?
As in the doge meme, a variation of shiba
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How do you pronounce "shibe"?
As in the doge meme, a variation of shiba
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How familiar are you with "shibe", as in the doge meme?
Never heard of it
I use it all the time
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How do you pronounce "gif"?
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How familiar are you with gifs in general?
Never heard of them
I use them all the time
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How familiar are you with reaction gifs?
Never heard of them
I use them all the time
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How do you pronounce the e in "corge"?
As in the doge meme, a variation of corgi
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How familiar are you with corge, as in the doge meme?
(Regardless of your familiarity with shibe/doge)
Never heard of it
I use it all the time
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How do you pronounce the e in "birde"?
As in the doge meme, a variation of bird
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How familiar are you with birde, as in the doge meme?
(Regardless of your familiarity with shibe/doge)
Never heard of it
I use it all the time
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How do you pronounce the e in "catte"?
As in the doge meme, a variation of cat
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How familiar are you with catte, as in the doge meme?
(Regardless of your familiarity with shibe/doge)
Never heard of it
I use it all the time
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How familiar are you with internet culture in general?
(Regardless of your familiarity with shibe/doge)
Internet culture what?
I basically live on the internet
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How often do you talk out loud about things you see online?
(Regardless of your familiarity with shibe/doge)
No one is allowed to know
All the time
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Are you aware of any other variations on the doge meme? Have you ever created a variation, even just casually as a joke?
As in shibe, corge, birde, etc (examples, quotes, links welcome)
Have you ever seen doge speak in other languages than English?
Example of doge speak: so meme. much international. wow. (Please give examples/links if you can.)
How would you describe your accent broadly?
Check as many as apply
Comments (optional)
All responses will be publically available in summary form immediately: there is a link to graphs when you click submit.
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