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Conference of Minister (CoM) 2021
The purpose of this evaluation questionnaire is to gather your feedback on the 2021 Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Your input will help us assess if the session has met its objectives, and draw lessons to help us improve the effectiveness, efficiency and results of the organization and servicing of future sessions. Thank you in advance for taking the time to respond to the questionnaire.
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Overall, what is your level of satisfaction with the Conference? *
In your opinion, to what extent did the Conference meet its objectives? *
Did you find the 2021 Conference theme relevant to current and emerging challenges faced by the African continent? * *
How well did the presentations on different subprogrammes make youappreciate the achievements of ECA in supporting the transformative agenda of Africa? *
Debates in sessions were relevant and of high quality *
In your opinion, were the deliberations effective for guiding the work of the secretariat? *
In your opinion, were the deliberations effective at discussing the Commission’s other statutory matters? *
Relevant documents were received well in advance of the Conference: *
In your opinion, was the 2021 session of the Conference of Ministers owned and driven by member States? *
In your opinion, were the deliberations effective for guiding the work of the secretariat? *
Were the side events informative, interesting and relevant? *
On a scale of 1 to 5, how will rank the side events (if attended) (5 = Excellent; 4 = Very good; 3 = Good; 2 = Satisfactory; 1 = Poor), *
Not attended
Digitalizing migration response to harness Africa’s economic development and demographic dividend in the Covid-19 Era
Launch of the report on ‘Covid-19 impact on e-commerce in Africa’
Making the fourth industrial revolution work for Africa
Digital agribusiness for a sustainable industrialization: The role of economic planning and capacity building towards a resilient economic recovery
Public-private partnerships to foster digital development of industry and trade in Southern Africa
Experience sharing on promoting smooth functioning of corridors for sustainable industrialization and diversification during Covid-19 era
Driving Africa’s industrialisation agenda by investing in youth’s digital innovations post Covid-19
Building back better through greening the AfCFTA
Unleashing the potential of women & youth entrepreneurship in the digital age
African Girls Can Code Initiative
Industrializing in the digital age: key findings and insights from the Industrial Development Report 2020
Institutional investors and ‘green’ investment in the context of Covid-19
In your opinion, did the adopted resolutions and decisions reflect the key outcomes of the Commission session? *
On scale 1 to 5 , how would you rate the meeting arrangements? (5 = Excellent; 4 = Very good; 3 = Good; 2 =Satisfactory; 1 = Poor)* *
Logistics (registration, video conferencingplatform, information package,
interpretation, IT support etc.)
Turnaround time for responding to questionsand queries
Transmission of invitations and supportingdocuments
Translation of documents
What did you like most about the conference?   *
What did you like least of the conference?   *
How can the substantive part of the event be improved in the future? *
I am attending CoM 2021 for *
What is your profile? *
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