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This form is for runners looking to advance their running through personalized run coaching and strength training! Whether you’re looking to PR, stay injury free, or run your first marathon feeling happy and strong, Dr. Kat can help you get there with step by step guidance. 

Dr. Kat has criteria that must be met when working with her clients. Please read criteria before completing interest form, and if you meet criteria fill out this interest form to apply!

Criteria includes
  • Must be willing to strength train at least 2x/wk with certified professional or Dr. Kat’s programming
  • Must be available to take weekly or bi-weekly 30 min phone calls
  • Must be at least 18 years of age or older
  • Must love running and be ready for a fun, uplifting (but still committed) running journey!
Name *
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Email *
Your answer
Are you currently training for or signed up for a race? If so, please name *
Your answer
Do you have a history of injury? If so please name 
Your answer
Place of residency (country and state)
Your answer
Goals: small or large, name them all! 
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Phone number
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