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Rescue Angels TNR Inquiry
TNR is Trap, Neuter/Spay, and Return of feral/community cats.  We help TNR cats in Charles County and parts of PG County only at this time. If you need assistance finding a rescue that can TNR in your area, please email us To learn more go to
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What is your name? *
What is your phone number? *
What is the full address where the cats are located? Is this your property? *
How many cats? *
Vet costs are between $85-$130 for each cat. This includes Spay/Neuter, Rabies and FVRCP Vaccines, and Ear Tip. Additional services such as a microchip, flea treatment, and FeLV/FIV test are an additional cost. At this time RASM does not have a grant or the funds to cover the vet costs. RASM can allow you to borrow traps and we can come out to show you how to do the entire process and then let you complete it, or if you need full service from RASM, that will take longer as our resources are limited and we are all volunteers. RASM will help pay for vet care or raise funds publicly as funds are available. Are you able to cover any of the vet costs?  *
Our policy is if Rescue Angels provides help with TNR, you or a designated caretaker must continue to feed and take care of the cats for life. Additionally, the cats should never end up in the shelter and animal control will never be called. Do you agree to these policies? *
Rescue Angels is an all volunteer organization, are you willing and able to help with any part of the TNR process? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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