The AI smart belt to guide the visually impaired is set to launch by 2025 Q1. Thank you to philanthropist, AI Guided will provide 100 smart belt at low price to low-income visually impaired in Hong Kong. Therefore, we are currently collecting waitlists and identifying/reviewing/verifying eligibility for those interested in receiving first-hand information about the price, availability, and purchasing locations. Should there be disputes, AI Guided reserve the right of the final decision.
這款為視障人士設計的AI智慧腰帶預計將於2025年初正式推出。感謝各位善長仁翁的贊助,AI Guided會以低價提供100條智慧腰帶給香港低收入的視障人士,所以我們目前正在收集候補名單並識別/審查/核實資格,讓有興趣的人能夠第一時間獲得有關價格、供應情況及購買地點的信息。如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。