Surrealist Oil Paintings
Use this rubric to assess yourself on your hallway drawing project.
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Class Hour *
Last name *
Write your last name only
First Name *
Write your first name only
Rate the following questions on a 1-5 scale.
5- Always
4- Most of the time
3- Some of the time
2- Rarely
1- Never
On time and prepared for class *
Respects teacher and peers, expresses appropriate language and behavior every day of project *
Follows class procedures and project directions *
Stays on task: Get out project and supplies promptly after class begins *
Clean Up: All supplies used were cleaned appropriately and put back in their correct places. Work space was left cleaner than you found it.   *
5: Completed all thumbnail sketches with full creativity
4: Completed thumbnails, lack creativity
3: Completed a few sketches, lack creativity
2. Completed at least one sketch
1: Did not do
Brainstorming *
5: Unique, clever, shows independence, utilizes learned techniques, takes risks
4: Evidence of originality, independent ideas, new techniques
3: Seeks ideas from others, some imagination, limited risk taking
2. Uses non-creative ideas, depends on others for ideas, does not take risks, chooses simplest construction
1: Copies others, attempts no creativity, no growth or difficulty
Creativity *
5: Artwork appears to be created with visible care and attention to detail. There are no unfinished areas. Edges are neat and there is not tearing. Artwork is ready for display.
4: Artwork is well put together. There are very few unfinished looking areas. It appears that care was taken and detail paid attention to. 
3: Artwork appears perhaps unfinished and a bit sloppy. More attention could have been paid to construction and detail. 
2. Artwork looks unfinished. It appears that not much effort was made. Craftsmanship is poor and work is sloppy. 
1: Not completed. 
Cramtsmanship *
5: Uses materials with extreme care, conserves materials, ALWAYS!
4: Usually uses materials with care, tries to conserve and shares
3: Tends to put things away dirty, wastes materials.
2. Wasteful, leaves tools out and dirty.
1: No regard for materials.
Materials *
Completion of Project
5: Meets due dates and fulfills all requirements with FULL effort.
4: Turns in project on time, misses 1-2 requirements.
3: Project was turned in late but meets all requirements.
2. Project was turned in late and incomplete.
1: Project not turned in.
Completion of Project *
Student Comments: Use this space to explain to me anything you feel necessary.
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