The Lady, or the Tiger? Writing
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Short Answer Questions
1. Do you think the tiger came out of the door, or the lady? Support your answer. If you were the princess, which door would you send your lover to?
2. The princess must choose between two strong feelings: love and jealousy. In your experience, which emotion is more powerful? Explain.
3. In this story, the princess must make an impossible choice in a "no-win" situation. Have you ever been faced with a difficult choice in which no matter what you decided, you would be unhappy? Explain.
Paragraph Writing
1. Pretend the story ends with paragraph 15. The final sentence is, "Without pausing for a moment, he threw open the door on the right." Now, write your own ending to the story. What happened after hte young man threw open the door? Use your imagination! In your version of the ending, write more than what happened immediately. Consider answering some of these questions: Why did what happened happen? How did the crowd react? How did the princess and king react?
2. "The Lady, or the Tiger?" is about a difficult decision that a princess had to make. Write a paragraph about a time you had to make a difficult decision. Begin with a sentence that describes the decision you faced, like this: "When _____, I had to decide whether to _____ or _____." In the paragraph, explain why the decision was difficult for you. Describe the good and bad points that either choice would have. After describing the alternatives, tell the reader what you decided and why. Conclude your paragraph by saying how you now feel about your decision.
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