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Freedom, AL Reader Feedback
Of what you've read so far....
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Which character(s) most made you want to read more?
Which couples made you want to learn more about their love story?
What time period(s) do you most like as a story setting?
Which themes have impacted you most so far and/or made you want to read more?
If I start to focus on building out one story for a while, rather than introducing different stories/characters across different time periods, which characters or topics would you most like to see as a first focus? (Please rank your top 3)
Sela & Keith Love Story
The history of Freedom, AL
Generation 1: James, Camille, Fate & Natalie
Generation 2: Kenneth, Kassie, Craig & Leesa
Regina, Charles & their Family
Thema & Nsoa Love Story
Shayla & her Family
None of the Above
Something New!
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Anything else you want to share? Do you have feedback about particular stories or characters, suggestions, critiques? Please share below or you can email me at 

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