HABITAT III Youth Consultation Survey
HABITAT III is an intergovernmental process that aims to secure a renewed political commitment to sustainable urban development. It also seeks to assess accomplishments to date, address poverty and identify and address new and emerging challenges around human settlements. The UN Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY) as the Major Groups mentioned in Agenda 21has been mandated by General Assembly resolution resolution 67/216 to facilitate the meaningful participation of children and youth throughout this process.

We want to hear from you! What are your priories and ideas for building sustainable and resilient cities? Please fill out the following survey of 7 questions, it only takes 5 minutes!

The collection and dissemination of this survey is facilitated by the UN MGCY. The objective is to gather information regarding young peoples' priorities for the UN HABITAT III agenda and outcome. The outcome of the survey will act as input for the UN MGCY Position Papers  on Sustainable Urban Development and Housing, which will be the basis of the advocacy of the UN MGCY during the HABITAT III process.

Some definitions of key terms:

Urban area - Location characterized by high human population density and vast human-built features in comparison to the areas surrounding it.

Rural area - Area that is located outside cities and towns.

Urbanisation - The process whereby a society changes from a rural to an urban way of life. It refers also to the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas.

Sustainable development - Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The survey is developed by the UN MGCY. Your participation and response is anonymous. We will not distribute your response to any third party.

If you have any questions or wish to be involved in the process through the UN MGCY please contact habitat@childrenyouth.org.  

Thank you in advance!
UN MGCY Task Force on Sustainable Urbanisation and Housing
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Gender *
Age *
Country of nationality *
Country of residency *
Are you actively involved in work around sustainable urban development? *
This includes voluntary actions, delivering or participating in formal or informal education, research and/or work.
Which best describes your living environment? *
This is just meant to help us better understand your urban context.
Priorities and Challenges for Sustainable Urban Development
1. Do you believe that urbanisation affects sustainable development? *
2. According to you, what are the main priorities in terms of achieving sustainable urban development? *
Not Important
Very Important
Don´t Know
Access to public transportation and better roads
Access to clean water and sanitation
Access to quality education (input from HABITAT survey)
Access to land parks and green areas 
Affordable housing 
Increased employment 
Civil society engagement 
Access to affordable and healthy food 
Reduced pollution 
Access to cultural activities and arrangements 
Protection against crime and violence (from HABITAT survey)
An honest and responsive government, city or local authority (from HABITAT survey)
Reliable and sustainable energy for the community and home (mix of HABITAT Survey and Moa comments)
Equality between men and women, girls and boys
Access to affordable healthcare
Freedom from discrimination and persecution (HABITAT survey)
Political freedoms and meaningful participation (HABITAT survey)
Prevention of and preparedness for natural, biological and man-made disasters
3. In your opinion, does your local government do enough for sustainable urban development? *
4. What are, according to you, the main challenges for sustainable urban development? *
Not a Challange
Minor Challenge
Major Challange
Don´t know
Access to Clean Water 
Access to Sanitation
Population Number 
Affordable Accommodation  
Privatisation of social services and infrastructure
Disaster Risk Reduction
5. Do you think that young people have a role in building a suitable urban environment? *
6. What role do you believe young people can play in the following activities in terms of increasing sustainable urban development? *
You must choose 3
7. Would you want your local community budget to go through a participatory process that includes youth? *
8. Is there anything else you would like to share to contribute to the HABITAT III discussions?
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