RPYSN Application for Garden Plot
Welcome to the Rogers Park Yard Sharing Network! We are a network that strives to build community through the creation of shared gardening spaces, potlucks, and neighbor to neighbor education, and more local fresh food right here in Rogers Park. But we are no ordinary community garden group. Due to the lack of open public space, we have sought commitments from homeowners in the neighborhood to give us access to space in their backyards.

You are filling out this application because you are interested in joining or returning to the network as a gardener. Once accepted, gardeners will be offered a garden plot that is available and close to them and will be responsible for the care and upkeep of their garden after it is built. LETS GO will be available for training, support, and advice. As a gardener, you will benefit from the harvest of the fruits and vegetables you grow throughout the season.
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Name *
Address *
Daytime Phone *
Evening Phone *
Email *
Email is our preferred method of communication. Please indicate if you would like us to communicate with you another way.
Demographic Information
In your own terms, how would you describe your ethnic and/or racial identity? *
What is your total household income? *
What is your primary language? *
What other languages do you speak? *
If an event or workshop is held in English, would you need translation services? *
We are doing our best to provide this for the 2013 season. If you are a skilled translator, let us know that in the Other section.
Gardening Background
Are you a new or returning member of the Yard Sharing Network? *
If returning, would you like to return to the same plot as last year?
If no, please explain why.
If new, how did you hear about the network?
Do you have skills or experience from gardening in the past? *
Do you have 5 to 10 hours a week to care for your garden? *
When are you most likely to be in the garden? *
You may check more than one.
Will anyone share the work of growing with you? *
What do you want to grow in your garden? *
How will you use your garden? *
Mark all that apply.
Do you require any accommodations for your garden site? *
E.g. a wheelchair accessible raised bed
If yes, please explain. *
Membership Fee
We are introducing a “Pay What You Can” membership fee for our garden plots this year to help cover the cost of maintaining the Yard Share Network. This includes helping to pay for soil and lumber for new gardens, sharable garden tools, food for events and workshops, and minor printing costs. Because we understand that we all have different abilities to pay, no one will be turned away due to a lack of funds.

Benefits of membership include:

-Garden plot (roughly 4x8 feet) for a year
-Discounts on seedlings at the LETS GO Chicago plant sale
-Free classes and workshops
-Free phone or in-person consultations
How much are you able to contribute for membership this year? *
Your answer will not influence our decision about your application.
Do you have any other questions or comments regarding the Yard Sharing Network, your application, or anything else?
Are you interested in any leadership positions in the network? *
LETS GO Chicago has been taking the front seat in terms of organizing. However if you are interested in participating more, just come talk to us. We have a lot of growing to do and would love you to join.
Are there any specific topics you would like us to cover at one of our trainings? Anything you would like to teach? *
Topics could be: How to make my own compost. What to grow in the winter. How to grow better tomatoes. How to make pesto from fresh basil... and many more topics.
If yes, what topics are you interested in/what would you like to teach?
Are you willing to organize a fundraiser for the Network? *
We are exploring creative ways to fund the growth of the network right now. We have a lot of great ideas, but good ol’ fundraisers sure can do the trick! Use your imagination here. This could be anything, a house party, a bake sale, creating your own circus and inviting friends to buy tickets.... We would love a fundraiser before the end of May 2014.
Do you have any other ideas for the community building aspects of the network that you would like to share?
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