Questionnaire: Workshop on Web 2.0 Tools
Instructions: The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information regarding the experience had by teachers at CEIC in Alajuela who attended the Workshop on Web 2.0 Tools conducted by the researcher. This is required as part of the final graduation project carried out at the Master in Education with emphasis in English learning program from Universidad Nacional. Your disposition to participate in this process of data collection is greatly valued. This process is carried out by a researcher, so confidentiality is assured; also, you are not expected to enter your name.

Please choose your response to the items. Rate aspects of the workshop on a 1 to 5 scale:
1 = "Strongly disagree," or the lowest, most negative impression
2 = “Disagree”
3 = "Neither agree nor disagree," or an adequate impression
4 = “Agree”
5 = "Strongly agree," or the highest, most positive impression

Then, please answer the last three questions about personal comments about the Workshop on Web 2.0 Tools.
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1. The purpose/objective of the workshop was clearly spelt out. *
2. The content (Web 2.0 Tools) was relevant to me/my job. *
3. The workshop stimulated me/my learning by allowing me to do on my own. *
4. The workshop allowed me to interact with other attendees. *
5. The workshop was easy to follow and understand. *
6. The workshop included appropriate Web 2.0 Tools for me. *
7. The workshop provided time for discussion and analysis. *
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