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EA Gather Town (EAGT) Survey
12 responses
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Has this space helped you be more productive relative to not using it?
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Has this space made you happier relative to not using it?
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Has the space enabled you to have more usefwl conversations relative to not using it?
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How many people that you've met through the space have you since personally communicated with on a different platform (e.g. facebook, IRL, Zoom, ...)?
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Using CEAs definition (below), how many *new* connections have you made?
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How many lasting connections (defined below) have you made?
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How many hours have you spent actively in the space (i.e. not AFK)?
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Which of these features are your primary motivations for using the space?
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(Optional) Feel free to add anything else here.
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(Optional) Would you want to recommend this space to an EA friend? If not, what's the bottleneck?
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Country of residence
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