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The development of science and technology is one of the main factors of human progress. But science and technology also have their dark side: there is a science and technology aimed at better surveillance and manipulation, at accumulating as much capital as possible, at torturing and killing more effectively. To assess the confidence we have in science and technology as factors of progress, the Institute of Technological Gadgets of the IES Lamas de Abade presents its Index of Confidence in Science and Technology. Please answer all questions posed as honestly as possible. A single answer for each question.
We are sincerely grateful to you for your collaboration. Once our investigation is finished, the data will be published on the IIGT website: 
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Nationality *
1. The development of science and technology will allow us to replace all damaged organs
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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2. The development of science and technology will allow us to cure any disease
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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3. The development of science and technology will allow us to control our bodily situation (age, gender, beauty ...)
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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4. The development of science and technology will allow us to suppress any physical pain while maintaining the patient's consciousness
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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5. The development of science and technology will allow us to voluntarily suppress all negative feelings (sadness, anguish, fear)
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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6. The development of science and technology will allow us to improve our cognitive abilities (SUPER-perception, SUPER-intelligence, SUPER-memory)
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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7. The development of science and technology will allow us to improve our affective capacities (SUPER-respect, SUPER-empathy, SUPER-caring)
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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8. The development of science and technology will allow us to improve our will power (SUPER – will)
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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9. The development of science and technology will allow us to obtain unlimited energy resources
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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10. The development of science and technology will allow us to enjoy unlimited raw materials
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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11. The development of science and technology will allow us to get rid of any type of poverty
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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12. The development of science and technology will bring wealth to the whole world, without discrimination of any kind
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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13. The development of science and technology will allow us to produce 100% recyclable products and zero pollution
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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14. The development of science and technology will allow us to transport goods without any ecological impact.
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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15. The development of science and technology will allow us to travel in space faster than the speed of light
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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16. The development of science and technology will allow us to travel in time
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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17. The development of science and technology will allow us to replace (useless) politicians with experts in social matters
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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18. The development of science and technology will allow us to suppress conflicts and wars
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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19. The development of science and technology will allow us to increase our knowledge in an unlimited way, until we know everything
in 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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20. The development of science and technology will allow us to enjoy designer drugs without harmful side effects.
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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21. The development of science and technology will allow us to incarnate ourselves in digital versions that will enjoy everything we can imagine
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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22. The development of science and technology will make it possible for all our movements to be controlled
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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23. The development of science and technology will make it possible to know what we are thinking
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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24. The development of science and technology will make it possible to manipulate thoughts, forcing us to think what those in power are interested in
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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25. The development of science and technology will make it possible for all our actions to be controlled, completely suppressing freedom
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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26. The development of science and technology will concentrate wealth in less than 1% of the world's population, condemning the rest to misery
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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27. The development of science and technology will lead us to a situation of structural unemployment of more than 70% of the population
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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28. The development of science and technology will increase the number of mental illnesses, affecting more than 50% of the population, because we will not be able to adapt to changes and its speed
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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29. The development of science and technology will end democracy because voters will have no effective control over politics and the economy
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
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30. The development of science and technology will lead us to an ecological collapse that will end all human life on our planet
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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31. The development of science and technology will lead us to a conflict that will end all human life on our planet
In 0-50 years
In 51-150 years
In 151-500 years
In more than 500 years
Fila 1
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