Dear Participant,
My name is Daniel Jones and I am a Graduate student at the University of Saint Katherine. I am conducting research in support of my Master’s thesis titled: “The Role of a Performance Coach in Managing an Engaging Learning Environment: A Case Study of Youth Soccer Players”. The purpose of this research is to help youth soccer organizations understand coach effectiveness and the impact it has on athletes' loyalty to their clubs. This study intends to help parents, coaches and clubs understand the relationship between the coach’s effectiveness on the job and the athlete satisfaction, and success rate during games; which is a key determinant in why athletes choose to participate in their specific teams.
The study will involve participants from Youth Soccer Organizations in San Diego County and Orange County. Your participation will involve completing a questionnaire. The questionnaire should take 10 minutes to finish. I will be grateful if the questions are complete and accurate to the best of your abilities. You will have 2 weeks to complete the questionnaire from the date you receive the form.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you choose not to participate or to withdraw from the study at any time, you can do so without penalty or loss of benefit to yourself. The results of the research study may be published but your identity will remain confidential and your name will not be disclosed to any outside party. In this research, there are no consequences or foreseeable risks to you.
Although there may be no direct benefit to you, an indirect possible benefit of your participation in the study could help provide a better understanding of how to improve the experience for future athletes in the sports environment. If you have any questions concerning this research study, please contact me at 760-704-7600, or email me at As a participant in this study, you should understand the following:
You may decline to participate to withdraw from participation at any time without consequences.
Your identity will be kept confidential.
Daniel Jones, will be on stand-by during the duration of the research to explain in detail the parameters of the study and address any concerns you may have now or in the future.
data will be stored in a secure and locked area. The data will be held for a maximum period of three years, and then destroyed.
The research results will be used for a peer-review academic publication.
“By signing this form, you acknowledge that you understand the nature of the study, the potential risks to you as a participant, and the means by which your identity will be kept confidential. Your signature on this form also indicates that you are 18 years of age or older and that you give your permission to voluntarily serve as a participant in the study described.”
Graduate Student: Daniel Jones
Student ID: MA2020000014
University: The University of Saint Katherine
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ejiro U Osiobe
Study Title: The Role of a Performance Coach in Managing an Engaging Learning Environment: A Case Study of Youth Soccer Players
For concerns about the researcher's conduct please, contact Dr. Ejiro U. Osiobe ( or Dr. Tina Keating (