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Against censorship at Howard University!  

We the undersigned are student-faculty member at Howard University and oppose the attempt to prevent the 

International Youth and Students for Social Equality from holding an anti-war meeting on campus, entitled “The war in Ukraine and how to stop it. The historical and political origins of the US-NATO war against Russia”

While the IYSSE request was initially approved, the university administration abruptly

rescinded its approval without explanation, after consulting, as the university administration put it, with the "appropriate personnel". 

The war in Ukraine is a conflict between NATO and Russia, threatening nuclear war. The US government has spent tens of billions of dollars on arming the Ukrainian army and is hence a party to this conflict. There is no honest discussion in the media about the historical background of this war, its dangers and the aims of the US in it. As students/workers at Howard University, we have a democratic right to learn about the historical origins and socialist opposition to the war in Ukraine. 

We therefore demand that 

Howard University allow the IYSSE to hold their planned anti-war meeting on campus

Howard University explain why it decided to ban this meeting and who was involved in that decision.

Sign our petition to oppose this assault on democratic rights

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