Debrief on readings on ethics and data science
Your questions and comments in this form will be critically important to helping shape the structure of the conversations we have in class on Tuesday.  To allow sufficient time for these to be incorporated into the lesson plan, please submit this no later than Tuesday morning 9am.  Filling out this form will factor into your grade as one of your reading journals.

For each question, you should provide your thoughts on the reading.  These thoughts could be clarifying questions, discussion questions, reactions (agreement / disagreement), additional resources or relevant case studies, etc.  Filling out this survey is not meant to take you a long time.  Think of this as just jotting down some thoughts that arise as you read the article.  The writing does not have to be formal or lengthy.  The important thing is to capture a broad spectrum of reactions to feed into the class discussion.
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For the article "We Now Have Algorithms to Predict Police Misconduct", what are your reactions and questions? *
For the article "Police Programs Aim to Predict those Most Likely to Commit Crimes", what are your reactions and questions? *
For the article "Can a Dress Shirt Be Racist?", what are your reactions and questions? *
For the article "Google Apologizes For Tagging Photos Of Black People As ‘Gorillas'", what are your reactions and questions? *
For the article "The Ethical Data Scientist -- People have too much trust in numbers to be intrinsically objective", what are your reactions and questions? *
For the article "Data Science Association - DATA SCIENCE CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT", what are your reactions and questions? *
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