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2023 Homecoming Weekend - Sunday Dinner/Community Day
The Finale of Homecoming weekend - 'We are oNE"

Remember when everyone used to gather at grandmas house on Sunday after church and enjoy a hearty home cooked meal, a big bear hug and a dose of great energy that lasted the entire week until you could get back the following Sunday for more?  Yeah, so do we, and we miss it, so were are bringing it back and including the entire community.

Sign your family up to bring a meal and share with friends - Family is who you choose for it to be, so it can be your actual family, a group of friends, co-workers, organization members, or just come as you are because we are all family.  Enjoy the company of community and share food, laughter, love, and the spirit of the eastside.

Location: Eastpoint Development - 1732 NE 23rd St, OKC, OK 73111 
Date: Sunday, May 7th
Time: 1PM
  • Streets will be closed from 23rd to 22nd street on both Rhode Island and Hood 
  • Tables and chairs will be provided
  • RSVP is mandatory to secure a table for your family
  • Open Seating will be available at Kindred Spirits
  • Food Trucks available for those who choose not to bring a meal, but would still like to break bread.

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