BPI/Convo Guest Artist Proposal
Please complete the following form, which will be submitted to the Programming/Recruiting/Public Relations (PR2) Committee. The faculty host is responsible for timely completion of all business paperwork and submission to the Bullock Coordinator. The faculty host is also responsible for communications with the artist(s), scheduling all events (including interviews with WMUK), organizing specific and technical needs with the Concerts Office, etc.
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Name of Faculty Host *
Guest Artist and/or Group Name(s) *
How would this artist’s residency benefit the School of Music? *
Date of performance/residency *
(check availability with Director of Concerts)
Inclusive dates for longer residencies (if applicable)
Total Budget *
Be sure to include all fees associated with the residency (stipend, travel, lodging, meals, technical needs, etc.; international guests may be subject to a 30 percent tax).  A more detailed budget will be necessary if this is an estimate.
Amount requested from PR2 (if applicable)
Other funding sources that are being pursued (if applicable)
Include amount requested from each source
Guest artists that include interaction with our students such as master classes, lessons, lectures, etc. are required. Is this guest artist able to do this? *
Are there any collaborations possible with this Guest Artist? If so, please list them:
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