Paper (Video) Summary
CS482 Interactive Computer Graphics: Assignment Submission Form

  • The chosen papers should be published recently between 2020 - 2024; only top-tier conf./journal will be accepted, except for 2nd tier CG conf. (EGSR, I3D, HPG)
  • You can browse papers and watch their videos, and express your summary here. 
  • Overall, you are expected to spend about 30 min to go over papers/videos and write down two summaries in each week.
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학번을 입력해 주십시오.
Provide your student ID.
Name *
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Provide your name.
Paper (Video) Summary #1 *
첫 번째 논문 또는 비디오에 대한 요약을 작성해 주십시오 (논문 제목, 학회 이름, 년도 포함해 주세요).
Please make a summary of the first paper or video (including the title of the paper, the name of the conference, and the year). 

Paper (Video) Summary #2 *
두 번째 논문 또는 비디오에 대한 요약을 작성해 주십시오. (논문 제목, 학회 이름, 년도 포함해 주세요)
Please make a summary of the second paper or video (including the title of the paper, the name of the conference, and the year). 
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