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Discover Teas Order Request Form
Please use this form for custom orders, blend requests, or if you are having trouble checking out through our website! Don't worry, your responses will not be shared and your e-mail address will not be used for any purpose other than contacting you with information about your order. Click here to return to!
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Email *
Once you have ordered, we will e-mail you with a link to a secure online invoice for credit card payment. Please answer as completely as possible to streamline your ordering process. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Please make sure e-mails from do NOT go into your Spam or Bulk Mail folder.
Name (First and Last) *
Please list which teas you would like to purchase, and how many (most teas are sold in 2oz increments). *
If you'd like to order 4oz of tea in a single bag, please enter 4oz. If you'd like to order 2 2-ounce bags of tea, please enter 2 2oz. Sorry, we can only split orders in even increments (2oz, 4oz, 6oz, etc.) unless you are ordering an herb.
Shipping Address (U.S. or APO/FPO only) OR eBook format *
Shipping is $5.95 for all orders $65 and under. Orders over $65 ship for free.
Your invoice link may give you an additional prompt for shipping address to provide you with a record.
If you are ONLY purchasing an eBook, you will not be charged shipping on your order. Discover Teas eBooks are available in .pdf, .ePub, or .mobi formats.
Thank you so much for your patience during this time! We will respond to you as soon as possible. You can also call or text us at (757) 847-5190, or e-mail us at Stay safe!
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