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Kol Chai High Holydays 2024 Registration - Members
Welcome to the Registration form for Kol Chai’s High Holyday services 2024.  This year, Rosh Hashanah will begin on the evening of Wednesday 2nd October and will last until sundown on Friday 4th October.  Yom Kippur will begin on the evening of Friday 11th October and last until sundown on Saturday 12th October.

We are asking everyone who wishes to attend our services to register, whether attending in person or on-line. This will not only enable us to manage the physical arrangements but also to manage security, which (unfortunately) is important for both our in-person services and our on-line connections.

Some of our in-person services will take place at Kol Chai in Hatch End, whilst others will take place at The Ark Synagogue, 18-24 Oaklands Gate, Northwood, HA6 3AA.  This is set out in the schedule of services and will be on your tickets.

The schedule of services can be found here:

There are plenty of public parking facilities in Northwood within walking distance of The Ark.

Tickets and details of services and on-line links will be sent out in September to those that have registered. Please note that everyone attending services in person will be required to show their tickets.

Please complete the following registration form.  There are links within the form to registrations for children's services and the High Holyday Appeal.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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Family Name *
First name (1) *
First name (2)
No of children under 21 (Please use numbers rather than text)
Email address *
Mobile number *
Postal address *
Post code *
We understand that some people will not wish to attend services in person , preferring to view the services on-line.  The purpose of the next question is purely for us to understand the likely numbers we might expect to attend in person.
Are you intending to attend services in person *
CHILDREN AT THE HIGH HOLYDAY SERVICES:  We shall be organising a number of activities for children on 1st day Rosh Hashanah. If you would like your children to join those activities, please indicate below (These activities will be accessible in person only and not on-line).  If your answer is Yes, please go to the following link: Please return to this form after you have completed the children’s activity registration form. Thank you. *
YOM KIPPUR LUNCH FOR PRE-B'NEI MITZVAH CHILDREN:   Children below the age of 13 are not required to fast during Yom Kippur. We know that many of our members and guests attending services will have children with them.  For those of you that wish, Kol Chai will provide a light lunch on Yom KIppur for your children, or grandchildren.
We are planning to offer a sandwich, a packet of crisps and a fruit.
If you would like to partake of this, please register below.
If the answer to the above question is 'Yes', how many of your children would you like to register for Yom Kippur lunch? (Please use numbers rather than text)
If your children will be parting of the lunch, please could you advise of any allergies or intolerances?
GUESTS AT KOL CHAI SERVICES:  We welcome guests from near and far. If you wish to invite guests to join us in our services for the High Holydays, please go to the following link and complete the guest registration form, or send the link to your guests and ask them to complete it: If you will be inviting guests, please indicate below.
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PRAYER BOOKS (Machzorim):  This Year, Kol Chai will be using the new Reform Machzor, published in 2024.  Notification about this was sent out towards the end of 2023.  If you intend to access any of our services this year on-line only and not in-person, you will need to purchase the new machzor because the Movement for Reform Judaism will not be offering an on-line version of it. 
If you wish to purchase the new machzor, please contact the Kol Chai office during office hours on 020 8421 5482.
YOM KIPPUR ALTERNATIVE INTERGENERATIONAL SERVICE:  As with previous years at Kol Chai, we will be running an alternative intergenerational service on Yom Kippur morning.  Please indicate whether your family is likely to attend this service *
If the answer to the above question is 'Yes' or 'Maybe', how many of your are family likely to attend the alternative intergenerational service.  This question is only so we can estimate numbers; everyone will be free to decide on the day which service they wish to attend. (Please use numbers rather than text)
HIGH HOLYDAY APPEAL:   The seven very worthy charities KC is supporting this year have all been nominated by members of the community and they will all benefit greatly from our support.  Details of the charities can be found at the following link:
Alternatively, you can go straight to our Just Giving page with this link:
(The following questions are purely for analysis)
Please make your donation by one of the above methods and not directly to the charity, otherwise we will not be able to acknowledge your donation or include it in our final total. Thank you.
THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES:  The Board of Deputies does excellent work and relies on communities for donations.  The amount requested from each family is £30.00 *

Members Engagement Questionnaire

We are looking to update our records as some of the information was recorded when you first joined KC.  In addition, and as part of the KC Engagement Project, we need to know more about our members.  We are a volunteer led organisation.  The research from the Engagement Project showed us that many people are prepared to do a little, some a lot, to help Kol Chai develop.  We need to know who these people are across the whole community.  Please could you take a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire.  Many hands make light work, so please, please, click on the following link and complete the questionnaire.  Thank you. 

Please remember to come back to the High Holyday registration form to submit your registration.  Thank you.
Thank you for completing this registration form for the High Holydays 2024. We will be sending out tickets and detailed information in mid-September to all those who have registered, with information about how to link into all our services.  
You will not receive an email confirmation after submitting this registration form but please be assured it will be recorded.
If you have any further questions, please note them below, call the Kol Chai Office or send an email to   We look forward to seeing you, either in person or on line.

The following link will take you to a schedule of our services this year:

Now, please could you submit your registration form?
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