Free Palestine: a collective response from mental health practitioners 

We are a collective of trauma therapists, critical social workers, occupational therapists, counsellor advocates, psychologists, peer and lived/living experience workers who operate across unceded territories in so-called Australia. Some of us come with our own lived experiences of genocide, war, displacement and colonial traumas. Others of us come in solidarity. All of us come with an ethical urgency demanded of us in our professional practice and in our being human. 

The past few decades have seen an increasing public interest in trauma recovery. For over forty years our burgeoning field has advocated that the best way to address trauma is to prevent it happening in the first place. Why have us down stream pulling people out of the water when we could go upstream and stop people falling in? As the Arabic proverb states, a coin spent on prevention is better than a treasure spent on treatment. As trauma healing practitioners we are acutely aware of the intergenerational wounds of genocide and continuing colonisation. 

It is for this reason, we write in response to the statement released on 19th October 2023, by The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, announcing support for ‘Australian communities affected by Hamas attacks on Israel and ongoing conflict’

We are particularly concerned about the focus on supporting a range of ‘safety, security, mental health, cohesion and education objectives’ with ‘Australian Palestinian, Muslim and other communities’, whilst the Australian Government continues its ties with Israel, who is committing heinous war crimes against Palestinian people and lands. 

How can a government give out money to support the mental health of Palestinians whilst continuing to support ethnic cleansing, genocide and illegal settlements in Gaza, the West Bank and Palestinian territories? 

We welcome that Australia has voted in the United Nations for a ceasefire. However, as long as the occupation of Palestine continues, extreme psychological distress in response to this violence will continue. Funding for mental health support is not enough. Ceasefire is not enough. We call for an immediate end of the apartheid occupation of Palestinian territories. 

We call for the Australian Government to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction as a mental health imperative. 

We ask the Australian Government to sever its ties with Elbit Systems, Lockheed Martin, Thales and to end all diplomatic ties with Israel. Only then can the Australian Government claim to be in support of mental health, healing and recovery. 

The $25 million funding was given to “promote resilience and respect” across the Australian community. We urge the Australian government, in particular The Hon Mark Butler Minister for Health and Aged Care, and The Hon Emma McBride, Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs The Hon Andrew Giles MP, to recognise the psychological and psychic warfare onto the bodies, minds and spirits of Palestinian and South West Asian and North African peoples, within the diaspora. 

The funding statement implicitly suggests this is a religious war between Muslims and Jews. We acknowledge that all Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) hold long-standing spiritual and cultural connections within the region. With respect and reverence to all Abrahamic faiths, we therefore must refuse the notion that this genocide is taking place for religious reasons. 

We implore the Australian government to declare the Israeli campaign for what it is: a settler colonial genocide whereby the indigenous peoples of the land are being ethnically cleansed and displaced to make way for resource extraction and Zionist settlements. In doing so, the Australian government has disregarded and dehumanised Indigenous life and suffering. Continuing colonisation is a well known key factor in mental ill health of indigenous peoples across the world. 

The funding expressed a myth of equivalency. Its framing of the “ongoing conflict” and Hamas’ attack on Israel, disregards the 75 years of oppression and ethnic cleansing. As globally renowned anti-Zionist, Jewish trauma specialist Gabor Mate has said, ‘with such a gross imbalance of power, there is no equivalence of culpability’. 

As our colleagues from the well-respected Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture in Ramallah, Palestine stated on 9th of November 2023:

"Remaining silent is not an option, as the lives of innocent individuals in Gaza hang in the balance. This is a plea to anyone with the power to make a positive impact. Access to clean water, sustenance, electricity, and fuel is vital for the people of Gaza, and time is rapidly dwindling. You cannot achieve peace without justice, and for that, the occupation has to end. Palestinians have the right to defend themselves, just like any other European nation that defended itself against invaders. Indeed, the responsibility lies not only on Palestinians themselves but on regional and international communities."

We, in solidarity forever with oppressed peoples resisting violent occupations, will not be silent. 

We work in solidarity as peers and practitioners to bring healing justice into this world. And we carry the voices and stories of those martyrs who have perished at the hands of Israel’s violence. As Palestinian academic and writer, Refaat Alareer, who was recently murdered, wrote, ‘if I must die, let it bring hope, let it be a tale’. 

"فلسطين حُرّة" استجابة جماعيّة من ممارسين الصحة النّفسيّة

نحن مجموعة من معالجي الصّدمات، والعمّال الاجتماعيين، والمعالجين الوظيفيين، والمستشارين والمعالجين النفسيين، والمناضلين، والعاملين في مجال الخبرة الحياتيّة السّابقة والحاليّة الّذين يعملون عبر الأراضي الغير متنازل عنها في ما يسمّى بأستراليا. يشارك البعض منّا ومعه تجاربه الحياتيّة مع الإبادة الجماعيّة والحرب والنّزوح والصّدمات الاستعماريّة. ويشارك آخرون منّا تضامنًا. كلّ واحد منّا يأتي مع حاجة ماسّة أخلاقية تنبع من ممارستنا المهنيّة وإنسانيّتنا.

شهدت العقود القليلة الماضية اهتمامًا عامًا متزايدًا بالتّعافي من الصّدمات. لأكثر من أربعين عامًا، أثبت مجالنا المزدهر إلى أنّ أفضل طريقة لمعالجة الصّدمات هي منع حدوثها في المقام الأوّل. لماذا نُطالب بإنقاذ النّاس من الغرق بدلًا من حمايتهم من السّقوط في الماء؟ فكما يُقال "درهم وقاية خيرٌ من قنطار علاج". باعتبارنا معالجين مختصّين بالصّدمات إنّنا ندرك تمامًا التّأثيرات والجروح المتوارثة عبر الأجيال النّاتجة عن الإبادة الجماعيّة والاستعمار المستمرّ.

ولهذا السّبب نكتب ردًا على البيان الصّادر في ١٩ تشرين الأول/أكتوبر ٢٠٢٣، عن معالي السّيد النّائب مارك دريفوس، مستشار ملكي في القانون، (The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP) والذي أعلن فيه دعم "المجتمعات الأستراليّة المتضرّرة من هجمات حماس على إسرائيل والصّراع المستمرّ".

نحن نشعر بالقلق بشكل خاصّ بشأن التّركيز على دعم مجموعة من "أهداف السّلامة والأمن والصّحة النفسيّة والتّماسك الاجتماعيّ والتعليم" مع "الفلسطينيين الأستراليين والمسلمين والمجتمعات الأخرى"، بينما تواصل الحكومة الأستراليّة علاقاتها مع إسرائيل الّتي ترتكب جرائم حرب شنيعة ضدّ الشّعب والأراضي الفلسطينيّة.

كيف يمكن لحكومة أن تقدّم تمويل لدعم الصّحة النفسيّة للفلسطينيين بينما تستمرّ في دعم التّطهير العرقي والإبادة الجماعيّة والمستوطنات غير القانونيّة في غزّة والضّفّة الغربيّة والأراضي الفلسطينيّة؟

نستبشر ونرحب بتصويت أستراليا في الأمم المتّحدة لصالح وقف إطلاق النّار. وبالرّغم من ذلك، إنّ الضّائقة النفسيّة الشّديدة ردًّا على هذا العنف سوف تستمر طالما استمرّ احتلال فلسطين. التّمويل لدعم الصّحّة النفسيّة ليس كافيًا. وقف إطلاق النّار ليس كافيًا. لذلك ندعو إلى الإنهاء الفوريّ للاحتلال العنصريّ للأراضي الفلسطينيّة. ندعو الحكومة الأستراليّة إلى دعم المقاطعة وسحب الاستثمارات وفرض العقوبات باعتبارها ضرورة وأولويّة للصحّة النفسيّة. 

نطلب من الحكومة الأسترالية قطع علاقاتها مع إلبيت سيستمز (Elbit Systems) ولوكهيد مارتن (Lockheed Martin) وتاليس (Thales) وإنهاء جميع العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع إسرائيل. عندها فقط يمكن للحكومة الأسترالية أن تدعي أنها تدعم الصحة النفسية والشفاء والتعافي.

تم تقديم التمويل بقيمة ٢٥ مليون دولار من أجل "تعزيز المرونة والاحترام" في جميع أنحاء المجتمع الأسترالي. إننا نحث الحكومة الأسترالية، وبالتحديد معالي السيد مارك بتلر (The Hon Mark Butler) وزير الصحة ورعاية المسنين، ومعالي السيدة إيما ماكبرايد (The Hon Emma McBride)، مساعدة الوزير للصحة العقلية ومنع الانتحار، على الاعتراف بالحرب النفسية التي تتعرض لها أجساد وعقول وأرواح الفلسطينيين، وشعوب جنوب غرب آسيا وشمال أفريقيا في المهجر.

يشير بيان التمويل ضمنًا إلى أن هذه حرب دينية بين المسلمين واليهود. نحن نقر ونعترف بأن جميع الديانات الإبراهيميّة (اليهوديّة والمسيحيّة والإسلام) تربطها روابط روحية وثقافية طويلة الأمد داخل المنطقة. ومع احترامنا وتقديرنا لجميع الديانات الإبراهيميّة، يجب علينا أن نرفض الفكرة أنّ هذه الإبادة الجماعية تحصل على أُسس أو لأسباب دينيّة.

نحن نناشد الحكومة الأسترالية أن تَنعَتَ حملة إسرائيل على حقيقتها: إبادة جماعية استعمارية استيطانية يتم من خلالها تطهير عرقي وتهجير السكان الأصليين للأرض لإفساح المجال لاستخراج الموارد وبناء المستوطنات الصهيونية. ومن خلال قيامها بذلك، تجاهلت الحكومة الأسترالية حياة السكان الأصليين ومعاناتهم وجردتهم من إنسانيتهم. ويعد استمرار الاستعمار عاملًا رئيسيًا معروفًا لاعتلال الصحة النفسية للشعوب الأصلية في جميع أنحاء العالم.

وكان التمويل أيضاً يعبر عن خرافة التكافؤ والمساواة. إن التّأطير المستخدم في إعلان التمويل "للصراع المستمر" وهجوم حماس على إسرائيل، يتجاهل ٧٥ سنة من القمع والتطهير العرقي. وكما قال المختص بالصدمات اليهودي جابور ماتي (Gabor Mate) المناهض للصهيونية والمشهور عالميًا، "مع مثل هذا الخلل الفادح في توازن القوى، لا يوجد تكافؤ في الذنب".

وكما قال زملاؤنا من مركز علاج وإعادة تأهيل ضحايا التعذيب الذي يحظى باحترام كبير في رام الله فلسطين، في 9 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2023:

إن التزام الصمت ليس خيارًا لأن حياة الأفراد الأبرياء في غزة على المحك. وهذا نداء إلى أي شخص لديه القدرة على إحداث تأثير إيجابي. يعد الحصول على المياه النظيفة والغذاء والكهرباء والوقود أمرًا حيويًا لسكان غزة، والوقت يتضاءل بسرعة. لا يمكن تحقيق السلام بدون العدالة، ومن أجل ذلك يجب أن ينتهي الاحتلال. للفلسطينيين الحق في الدفاع عن أنفسهم، مثل أي دولة أوروبية أخرى دافعت عن نفسها ضد الغزاة. والواقع أن المسؤولية لا تقع على عاتق الفلسطينيين أنفسهم فحسب، بل على عاتق المجتمعات الإقليمية والدولية.

إننا، متضامنين إلى الأبد مع الشعوب المضطهدة التي تقاوم الاحتلال العنيف، لن نصمت. 

نعمل متضامنين كأقران وممارسين لتحقيق العدالة العلاجية في هذا العالم. ونحن نحمل أصوات وقصص هؤلاء الشهداء الذين لقوا حتفهم على أيدي العنف الإسرائيلي. وكما كتب الأكاديمي والكاتب الفلسطيني رفعت العرير: "إذا كان لا بد لي من أن أموت، فليحمل ذلك أملًا، ولتكن حكاية".

This list reached 500 signatures within a few days. Below are the signatories as of 12.00pm Wednesday 3rd January, 2023. This list will be updated everyday at 12.00pm.

Johan Kettle - Trauma Therapist and Healing Justice Researcher
Han Weeramanthri - Counsellor and Consultant
Michelle Bui - Social Worker / Perinatal Mental Health Counsellor
Stephanie Cochrane - Psychologist for 3 years, in mental health for six years
Fatma Nouredine - Certified Psychotherapist and Counsellor of 3 years
Kaila Perusco - Psychotherapist
Emma Constantine - Psychotherapist
Leila Feith - Worked in community mental health for years
Brittany McCormack - Social worker, 4 years
Kathryn fullilove - Masters of counselling student & Health educator
Cath Campbell - Social Worker 15 years
Demi whybro - Mental health support worker
Marlee Mohi - Registered Psychotherapist & Counsellor
Claudia - Lived experience worker in suicide prevention & youth access clinician
Emma McNulty - Registered psychologist, clinical psychology registrar
Sarah Newbold - Social Worker & Counsellor - 20 years
Isabella P - Art Therapist & Peer worker - 4 years
Sarah Molnar - Crisis Supporter
Inez Winters - Social & Community Worker 5 years
Johnny Doan - Counsellor for 18 months
Misha Raoofi - Pharmacist
Priyanka Ashraf - Founder of Maya Cares, a digital platform supporting women to respond to racism
Phoebe Stewart - Mental Health Recovery Worker for 3 years
Tess Clancy - Mental Health Support worker 4 years
Ariel Tresham - Social Worker in Community Mental Health
Nada - Provisional Psychologist
Cassie Lavell - Psychologist of 8 years
Tihtina Merid - Mental Health Nurse
Ali - Mental health social worker 20 years
Ashanthi Kulasekera - Social Worker
Aimee Aroha - Counsellor and birth worker of 5 years
Candice Aouad - Psychologist - General reg
Ashling Morone - Pre-service Social Worker, current Mental Health Support Worker
Olivia Cuff - Clinician - supporting children who have experienced trauma
Michelle Tamara Wylie - Counsellor for 8 years
Hattie Neilsen - mental health occupational therapist
Alicia Rodden - Mental Health Occupational Therapist 15 years
Saria Green - Clinical Psychologist
Amy Gordon - Counsellor 5 years
Jennifer Fernandez - Provisional psychologist
Kristy Viete - Social Worker for 15 years
Reed O'Loughlin - Youth Mental Health Clinician
Grace Killmer - Provisional Psychologist and Researcher
Caitie Gutierrez - Mental Health Consumer Advocate & Peer Support Worker
Kate Stodart - Mental health researcher
Paz Roman - Refugee torture and trauma counsellor
Coco Beylot - Mental Health Researcher
Reem Allahham - Provisional Psychologist
Hannah Hamilton - Social worker for 12 years
Brooke Shelton - Clinical social worker 18years
Leah Abene - Psychotherapist, educator, mediator specialising in Indigenising relational design. 7 years.
Nicholas Tribbia - Mental Health Nurse
Muntaser Mahmud - Psychiatry Registrar
Sage Hanman-Siegersma - Youth Worker
Counsellor for 19 years. Vocational Trainer in Counselling
Ahona - Psychologist for 8 years
Courtney Guthrie - Social Worker, 1 year
Georgia Williams - Clinical psychologist
Emma Woods - Psychologist
Sophia Moussaoui - Social Worker 2 years
Lucy Burnett - Social Worker
Rachel Dowling - Social worker 7 years
Su Mei Tan - Art Therapist of 6 years
Lorraine Mangan - Social Worker
Rana Kökçinar - Psychotherapist and Family Therapist of 3 years
Sarah Adams - Social Worker and Counsellor working in Trauma and with children for 5 years
Melissa Laing - Critical social work academic
Eilish Fitzpatrick - Mental health support worker - 4 years
Dr Amireh Fakhouri - General practitioner
A Naeli - Clinical psychologist working in refugee trauma and mental health, worked in mental health field in various roles for 6 years
Rachel Roberts - Counsellor
Alaa Baky - Psychiatry registrar
Natalie - Social worker for 7 years
Anna saint ange - Second year bachelor of counselling
Sayampurna Ray - Psychologist
Trauma Therapist
Shannon Powell - Trauma informed facilitator and trainer for allied health professionals
Kylie Young - 20 years Social Worker. Accredited Mental Health Social Worker
Nina Kordic - Social Worker
Alex Culhane - Provisional Psychologist
Joanna Brooke - Social worker for 8 years and current advisor in youth mental health
Isadora Strong - Psychologist for two years
Marianthi - Mental Health Occupational Therapist of 5 years
Zondile Chongwe - Provisional Psychologist of 1.5yrs
Nadia Mahjouri - Counsellor, Group Facilitator, Writer
Anu Fox - Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator for 4 years
Juan Camilo Riano Rodriguez - Mental Health Social Worker for 5 years
Kathryn Joy - Family violence researcher /lived experience advocate
Marly – Work with young people to inform a mental health organisation on current and relevant program delivery, have always worked in social services orbiting and tied to mental health practices
Stephanie Hourani - Pharmacist in Mental Health wards
Jessica Gorman - Clinical Psychologist
Jade Bundhoo - Social Worker
Anushka Phal - Psychologist
Liv Bradfield - Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) worker for 4 years
Olivia Chung - Psychiatry Junior Medical Officer
Jo Buick - 15 years experience across mental health and wellbeing policy, education and leadership
Emma Paino - Peer Support Worker
Colette Leber - Social worker/art therapist/counsellor 13 years
Ella Berkeley - Peer Support Worker
Georgia Hall - Social Worker
Sarah Cameron - Peer lived/living experience worker
Fatima Masri - Social Worker
Paul Dodemaide - Social worker
Sarah Chopra - Student counselllor
Laura mcdougall - Social worker for 3 years
Eva Birch - Psychosocial disability support worker
Tony O'Loughlin - Psychotherapist
Caitlin Tippet - Mental Health Clinician (Occupational Therapist)
Jessica Westfold - Clinical psychologist
Rhea Beilharz - Social worker
Mallika M - Social worker for 5 years
Dr Rasha Rahman - Psychiatrist
Ellie Newton - Provisional psychologist for 1 year
Corinne Precoma - Postgraduate Counselling student
Kirby Mackrill - Counsellor for 7 years
Tanya Jando - Mental health practitioner of 7 years
Dr Helena Niu - Psychiatry registrar
Kate Woodcroft - Student Somatic Psychotherapist
Dr Scott Mackay - National Manager, First Nations Wellbeing & Engagement, headspace National
Elida Hewston - Provisional Psychologist for 18 months
Azja Kulpinska - Community mental health practitioner/peer worker of 7 years
Dom Caesar - Social Worker and Community Worker of 10 years
Bec Wallace - Provisional psychologist
Dr Epi zaman - GP with psychiatric training
Jerry Souter - Student counsellor & psychotherapist
Kate - OT
Rachael - Mental health OT 2 years
Larz Lauer - Psychotherapist 2 years
Danielle Calfas - Social Worker
Narelle Fowler - Counsellor 12 years
Lisa Young - Social Worker
Rowan Rose - Youth counsellor for 2 years
Rebecca Strange - Psychologist of 4 years
Hannah Stevenson - Counsellor of 1 year
Bernie Garamvolgyi - Counselling student
Alyce Durakovic - Advocate
Carla Nayton - Master of Social work. 10 years experience working with people seeking asylum, survivors of torture and trauma and people made vulnerable by migration
Catherine Meehan-McCarthy - Social worker 2.5 years
Christa - Counsellor/social worker for 8 years
Dr Sorcha Cotter - Psychiatry registrar
Alanna Lorenzon - Art Therapist
Sarah crute - Mental health nurse for 16 years
Aya S - Mental health nurse
Rose alateras - Community services worker for 5 years
Maeve O’Dowd - Mental health Social worker, 9 years
Mikali Johnsen - Holistic Counsellor and Mind Body Medicine Practitioner
Penelope Vassiliades - Social worker
Elliott McMahon - Social worker and family therapist
Social worker (new graduate)
Jenny Fong - Counsellor for 6 years
Rebecca Cooper - Psychologist for 3 years
Rachel McKenna - Youth Worker/Social Worker
Tayla Matthews - Counsellor for the last 5 years
Rhiannon Derrig - Psychotherapist for 5 years
Lil Mitchell - Mental Health Social Worker
Tessa McKenna - Trainee Clinical psychologist (6 years working as assistant psychologist and family violence worker)
Kristy walton - Social Work Student, community service worker of 12 years, nurse, birth and womens worker
Emily Douglas - Psychologist, 10 years
Layla Prates - Yoga & Somatic Therapy - MH Practitioner
Manjeeta Devi - Mental health social worker
Sangita Raj - Psych reg
Tina Grech - Mh Occupational Therapist of 10 years
Ben Parangi - Social Worker and Community Organiser
Hala chamas – I am a counselor for more than 20 years
Victoria Campion - Psychotherapist for 5 years
Raquel - Art Therapist
Gayatri - Therapist in training for a year. Psychology student for 6 years
Ange Cook - Psychotherapist
Leanne Green - Dietitian and youth worker
Giulia Chiro - Chinese Medicine Practitioner for 1 year
Rebecca Heal - Lived experience and Arts Therapy Student
Jess McGrath - Occupational therapist and mental health leader with over 10 years experience
Jordie Skonim - Energetic Kinesiologist 13 yrs
Sana Gillani - Social Worker
Lucy Pierce - Soul Centred Psychotherapist 2 yrs
Jacqueline Truong - Psychosocial support worker for 2 years, social work graduate
Amelia Harrison - Trauma Therapist
Mykah - Psychotherapist and Counsellor for 3 years
Kiara Blanchette - Light and Breath worker, Psychosomatic Therapist
Naomi Oei - Social Worker in Youth Mental Health for 2 years
Jaq Pearce - Social worker & counsellor
Sarah Morrow - Registered Practicing Nurse
Corrinne Sullivan - Wellbeing
Lou Franklin - Intake and assessment worker of 2 years and student counsellor
Phoebe Kinrade - Community Peer Support Worker - 1 year
Alison Oliver - Counsellor (~10years); Social Worker (new graduate)
Danieka Montague - Social worker
Kate Ritson - Occupational therapist in mental health for 2 years. Current provisional psychologist
Clodagh Wynne - Mental health nurse
Emily - Clinical psychologist for 5 years
Donna Ward - Mental Health Social Worker for 18 years
M.Hudson - Psychologist
Tim Cikron-Tighe - Education Support Worker
Jules Hennock - Trauma therapist of eight years
Amy Jess - Social worker of 11 years
Deanna Loturco - Social Worker of 14 years
Candice Peart - Mental health project officer
Alexia Keskerides - Critical social worker for 10 years
Sally Dalton - Arts Therapist for 2 years
Aimee Jinkins - Mental Health Support Worker
Mona Taouk - Psychologist
Jenna smith - Psychology student- Psychology practise admin manager
Mellanie Pryor - Mental Health Clinician / Nurse for 12 years
Scarlett - Clinical Psychologist, Researcher and Humanitarian
Karen Grant - Embodiment Coach, newly qualified counsellor
Timothy Corcoran - Critical Social Worker - 7 years, Mental Health Clinician - 3 years
Jacqueline Jamieson - Mental Health Worker
Jasmine Shirrefs - Social worker with deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing specialty
Mascha Romberg - Somatic & Spiritual Mentor
AJ - Registered counsellor, 5+ years of practice
Paige Boyatzis - Mental Health support worker and educator 11 years
Angie Brown - LGBTQIA+ Peer Navigator and Lived Experience Worker
Aleks Allison - Graduate arts therapist / counsellor / sexologist
Mental health nurse
Alexander Coates - Provisional Psychologist of 2 years
Amanda Corbett - Massage Therapist of 18 years
Jemma Malik - Social Worker 3 years
Natalie Geyer - Social worker
Victoria Dekergommeaux - Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Somatic Sex Educator
Siobhan Malkoun - Social Worker
Malar Chandran - Social worker, intern counsellor
Melissa Mcfarling - Counsellor for 7 years
Stephanie Boyett - Psychologist for 2 years
Katrina Stone - Psychologist for 10 years
Britt orr - Clinical mental health counseling graduate student
Kristina Esopo - PhD student in counseling psychology
Zoe Ulrich - Social Worker
Kasey Johnson - Psychiatry Resident
Lauren Skulina - Student Mental Health Counselor
Jessica MacBride - Myofascial Release practitioner
Vi-An Nguyen - Psychologist
Mariyah Shahrin - Counsellor
Jessica Robinson - Accredited Mental Health Social Worker
Sonja Bozic - Bachelors in Expressive Arts Therapy
J Malbon - Mental health practitioner, 3 years
Thea V. - Counsellor 5 years
Kate Davis - Mental Health Accredited Social Worker
Jess Spark - Provisional Psychologist (2 years) and mental health researcher (7 years)
Maneka dayaratne - Counsellor working in refugee trauma for 7 years
Fabienne Laubscher - Social Work Practitioner
Catherine Garner - Peer worker, 5 years
Sharon Luna Settecasse - Maternity consumer advocate
Christina kioulafas - Counsellor advocate 15 years
Grace - Graduate psychologist
Kelsey McGowan - Social Worker and Human Rights Advocate of 6 years
Thea Lamaro - Mental Health Social Worker
Beth Weaver Lived Experience Consultant
Leila McCarthy - Counsellor, 10+ years
Kareena Sajnani - Mental health advocate for 7 years, counsellor for 1 year
Danie Nitardy - Clinical social worker for 1.5 years
Anna Morris - Counsellor
Sylvia Astuti - Mental Health researcher at a Startup
Louisa Chatterton - Clinical psychologist | senior lecturer
Erinn - Holistic dancer
Asia Swida - Counsellor for 19 years
Almaas - Psychologist - 3 years
Christine Lewis - Yoga Teacher, Hypnotherapist, Trainee Psychotherapist
Caitlin Kennedy - Mental Health Practitioner for 4 years
georgina gibb - mental health clinician (MH nurse)
Peggy Carrington - Work in sector (20 years)
Freia Lily - Social Worker
Amy Barker - Youth mental health & family violence officer over 5 years
Fatme el cheikh Issa - Social Worker
Finnian Sonter - Psychologist (prov.) and lived experience
Laurien Barks - New counsellor
Spencer Reid - Art therapist
Ashley Haywood - Creative Therapist (Transpersonal Practitioner, PhD, BA Hons, BSc Hons)
Liam Barling - Music Therapist of 2 years
Lana Wurtz - Support work for 1.5 years
Marcella Dogin - Social Worker 3 years
Poppy Burnett - Social worker in mental health
Peta Phelan - Rehabilitation Counsellor, SEWB Practioner, and Researcher
Danielle - 7 years
Lucy Galbraith - Social worker for 10 years
Stephanie Reynolds - Social work counsellor
Mikhael Touma - Arabic Interpreter
Bec - Social Worker
Alicia Adam - Psychotherapist for 4 years
Jonty Mansueto - Psychologist
Mikailah Gooda - Transpersonal Counsellor 7 years
Moksha Maya - Art Psychotherapist
Paige Montgomery - Mental health nurse in the public sector for 10 years
Sarah Strauven - Psychologist of 18y and Trauma researcher
Social worker for 8 years, psychotherapist for 2 years
Elsie Bath - Trauma Informed Facilitator
Kate Lister - Somatic therapist, Psychotherapist student
Camille Foley - Therapist and project worker
Abigail L - Mental health nurse (4 years)
Sindia Malhotra - Independent social worker, systemic practitioner
Hannah Propp - LCSW Psychotherapist
Rose Simonsen - Mental Health Nurse
Stella Martindale - Lived Experience worker in Acute and Community Mental Health of 10 years
Kerryanne - Psychologist and counsellor
Jessica Bosch - QMHA MSW student, QMHA for 4 years
Katherine Jones - Psychologist for 7 years
Merryn Browne-Adebayo - Social worker of 15 years
Kate Toone - Clinical Social worker for 8 years
Matilda Brown - Art Psychotherapist
Madelyne Hudson-Buhagiar - Psychologist of 5 years
Greer Roberts-Orr - Recovery Worker
Cara West - Trauma informed Love, Sex and Relationship Coach for one year
Stef Roselli - Lived experience peer worker for 2 years
Belinda Grieve - Mental health social worker and counsellor for 18 years
Emily Parkwell - LCSW Licensed clinical social worker in inpatient psychiatric hospital for the last 7 years
Freya Lance - Registered mental health nurse for 5 years
Stacey Arnold - Registered Nurse - Mental Health
Jessie Stephenson - Occupational therapist
Magdalena K - Therapist and counselling master's student
Rhiannon Tilley - Rehabilitation Counsellor of 8 years and current graduate Social Worker
Marty Savell - Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Stephanie Fornasier - Psychologist of 14 years
Mary Cook - LCSWSocial worker 13 years
Tom Short - Critical Mental Health Researcher
Kane Gough - Psychologist of 7 years
Ruby Riguet - Social worker of 6 years
Sage Stevens - Recovery worker at North Fitzroy PARC
Zachary Gray - Mental health support worker 2 years
Charlotte Rigoni - Social worker for 6 years, newly qualified narrative therapist. Community Mental Health Practitioner
Jess Dihm - Mental Health Support Worker
Amy - Community Mental Health Practitioner - 6 years
Erika Nelson - Therapist for 10 years
Steph Putker - Mental health nurse for 1 year
Michelle - Trauma informed mental health facilitator
Susannah Langdon - Art Therapist / Play Therapist / Trauma therapist for 5 years
Eamonn Moriarty-Gray - Intake worker/peer worker, 3 years
Renee - Disability Support Worker 5 years
Tayla - Mental health liaison officer
Alexandra Janssens - Mental health Nurse for 5 years. Worked in mental health in various roles for many years prior to this
Eleanor Pearson - Mental health worker and social worker
Donika Fazliu - Arts therapist and community facilitator
Lexi Kelly - Social Worker
Jasmin Pain - coach, hypnotherapist, physical therapist
Stephanie Beauvere - Counsellor for 12 years
Bethan Rees - Yoga Teacher for 5 years
Alejandra Catarino - B.S. in psychology
AA Petra - Lived/Living Experience Worker
Jozi Zwerdling - Licensed clinical social worker of 10 years
Elsie Ruijgrok - Mental Health Nurse for 5 years in youth MH
Chloe Wilson - Suicide prevention peer worker
Phoebe McKay - Therapist
Larry De’Corso - Social worker working in youth mental health for 1.5 years
Alice Kelly - Social worker for 13 years
Jeremy Gustafsson - Social Worker (youth mental health) 2yrs — Early psychosis clinician
Rhiannon Dionysius - Art Therapy Assistant for one year, studying Master of Mental Health, mental health service user 10+ years
Christina Molina - Mental Health Nurse for 16 years
Roland Cox - Social Worker in community mental health for 3.5yrs
Telese Rhoze - Mental Health Nurse of 7 years
Megan Layne - Mental health nurse of 17 years
Stephanie Krawczyk - Social worker
Megan Layne - Mental health nurse of 17 years
Elizabeth Sterling - Master of Social work for 8 years
Jaimee Kleinbichler - Psychologist of 9 years
Marilena - SW Practicing different healing modalities for 3 years
Tammy Golla - Provisional psychologist
Tess - Occupational therapist for 8 years
Lee Baillie - Social Worker for 11 years
Sumayyah Khan - Clinical Psychologist for 15yrs
Chloe Joyce - Psychologist for 7 years
Lana - Psychology student
Stephanie Haikal - Mental health social worker, 13 years
Ezgi - Youth worker
Fairuz Gaibie - Research and clinical psychologist for 10 years
Jason - Mental health occupational therapist - 5 years
Penelope McKinley-Rodgers - Embodied Healing & Recovery Coach
Cassidy Livingstone -Trauma Informed Yoga Facilitator, MS Student Applied Positive Psychology (Wellbeing Science)
Gizelle - Nurse
Bianca Villella - Social worker for 12 years
Kelly Jane Kerr - Social worker & psychotherapist
Julia Graham - Mental Health Speech Pathologist
Shamim Ahmadi -Trauma Counsellor
Zahie El hajj -Social worker in child protection, sexual assault counsellor and work in trauma and now also in parenting
Stoop Nilsson - LMSW, U.S. Practitioner Social worker 10 years, community organizer 16 years, therapist 4 years
Emma Smith - Provisional psychologist
Eleri Morgan - Social Worker 2 years
Querida Perina - Coach and Psychotherapist for 8 years
Emily Dunn - Licensed Social Worker for 5 years.
Miranda Moir - Social worker for 20 years
Hafsa Kediye - Psychologist of 3 years
Aziza Ziou Ziou - Clinical psychologist 14 years of expérience in clinical psychologist field in associative field
julie patmore - registered nurse
Liam Cudmore - Social worker for 8 years
Ali Brooks - Therapist for 10 years
Emily Bango - Social worker for 6 years
Mona - Therapy Assistant and studying a Masters of Psychology
Phoebe du Plooy - 1st year school based social worker
Maheen Hyder - Mental Health and Trauma Therapist
Aliesha Bannister - Naturopath for 14 years, work a lot with the long term (including intergenerational) impacts of trauma.
Anna Donahoe - Social worker (child & family mental health) for 9 years
Taija Davis - Mental Health Practitioner
Ambreen Mirza - Provisional psychologist and psychotherapist with 20 years of experience
Hayley Williams - PSA in mental health ward
Fiona Berry - Psychologist of 13 years
Tim Karmouche - Psychosocial Recovery Coach
Nafisa Abedin - Psychotherapist and counsellor : 2 years
Joanne Ferris - School Counsellor and Provisional Psychologist
Lisa Waters - Social worker and mental health practitioner
Jessica McEwan - Registered Nurse (Intensive Care) and trauma informed (+frontline) yoga teacher
Sophie - Social worker of 3 years
Lua Bruckhoff - Mental health social worker
Madeline Murphy - Social Worker
C K - Art Therapist In-Training
Sayaka Sayeed - Counsellor for 1 year
Rachel Moss - Trauma Therapist- 22 years
Miriam Hall - Meditation teacher and coach for ten years
Eliza G - Trainee art therapist, support worker
Reem Khafagy - Psychotherapist since 2020
Crístíona Guiney - Peer Worker & Social Worker of 5+ years
Brenda Cao
Rubini Ball - Social worker, counsellor and researcher for 5 years
Samantha Warne - Occupational Therapist of 1 year
Alicia Shaich Yusuf - Trauma counsellor for 7 years
Jessica Lihou - Counsellor for 4 years; psychologist for 2 years
Sara Eleonora Maria - Psychotherapist, over 10 years, 9 years working in post conflict contexts
James McNiece - Occupational therapist for 2 years
Emily Campbell - Occupational therapist for 1.5 years
Siti 'Omairah - Social worker for 5 years. Counsellor for 1 year.
Serena - Counsellor for 2 years
Isobel - Provisional psychologist and mental health researcher
Sarah Foulkes - Social worker
Samantha Wisr - Coach, Somatic Therapist, Trauma Informed bodyworker - 4 years
Kerri Smith - Mental Health Program Administrator
Ashleigh Husband - Social worker of 9 years
Oli Hittmann - AOD Social Worker & Harm Reduction Peer Worker
Nils von Kalm - Mental health support worker and coordinator
Indri - Breathwork Facilitator & Transpersonal Psyche-Soma Practitioner
Razan Seikaly - Therapist and Clinicsl Supervisor for 18 years
Sara Asif - Educator and Mental Health Advocate; founder and director of a youth mental health program
Lauren Pragg - Masters of Social Work student (Laurier University)
Nada Ashkar - Counsellor for 2 years
Jessica Brown - Counsellor 6 years
Madeline Anderson - Mental Health Occupational Therapist
Counsellor for 1 year
Melinda Fajerman - Social Worker & Community Worker 19 years
Sandy Ahumada - Therapist in Training
Merinda Brown - Psychologist for 7 years
Fiona Vuong - Social worker
Takeo Kameoka - Provisional Psychologist
Isaac Sabel - Psychologist
Leanna Azoury - Lived Experience Manager, Psychology student
Mary-Helen Daly - Transpersonal art therapist and counsellor - 2.5 years
Prerika Sharma - Provisional Psychologist for 2 years, Support Worker for 4 years
Rei Alphonso - Mental Health/Family Violence practitioner - 14 years
Rosa Nolan - Psychologist
Isabelle Mcgovern - Psychologist
Lynn Cummingd - Former registered Psychiatric Nurse
AJ Jensen - Social Worker for 5
Darroch Donald - Student of Holistic Counselling and Psycotherapy and Ecotherapy Metavision NSW
Cindy Vallejo - Psychology student 2nd year, future Marriage Family Therapist
Eliza - Psychologist
Caroline Mc Guinness - Social Worker
Grace Sanders - Newly graduated clinical psychologist reigstrar
Samantha Sellers - Counsellor of 6 years
Chloe Campbell -Registered Nurse in MH for four years. Intellectual disability nurse for 2 years.
Sioda - Mental Health Nurse for 6 years
Rayan Saad - Rehab counsellor
Cristian Mcheileh -Psychologist
Madison Kan - Social Worker/Mental Health Clinician
Sarah Kelly - Mental health nurse for 8 years
Lila -Social worker /counsellor
Tamika Millarc - Social Worker
Elle Ward - Art Therapist for 2 years
Ashlee Northcott - Social worker of 2 years
Kat Fry - Community Service and Peer Worker
Maggie Siebler - Social worker
Tamara Killick - Complex Caseworker for 8 years in Mental Health, Homelessness, Indigenous rights, Domestic Violence
Davis Jensen - Psychosocial support worker for 3 years
Saaro Umar - Support Worker 4 Years
Ziver Talar - Children’s Mental Health Clinician and Social Worker for over ten years
Kristina Rienmueller - Social Worker in mental health services
Liana G - Secondaey educator in well-being
Elsa Tuet-Rosenberg - Social Worker & Lived Experience Peer Facilitator
Is Hay - Peer Worker for 3 years
Freya Vincent - Social worker
Miriam Ellwood - Registered Nurse
Keanna - I have a mental illness
Bridie Mills - Counsellor for 5 years
Inez Winters - Social Worker 5 years + Therapist
Emma Noack - Art Therapist 4 years
Collette parker - Social worker
Leo Bortolotto - Mental Health Peer Worker
Robyn Byron - Mental health social worker
Oscar berzins - Counsellor for 1 year
Georgette Thomas-Page- Social worker
Miranda Mangual - MSW student graduating in August
Samantha Taketa - Psychotherapist, clinical social worker of 3 years
Milo Pace - Peer Worker
Vanessa Muradian - Sexologist and embodied counsellor for 6 years
Natasha Peiris - Ayurvedic practitioner, disability support worker, Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula, Decolonial Alchemist and Devotional bodyworker
Meaghan Kausman - Social worker
Mariam Mgoter - Social worker
Eliza Sajk - Clinical Psychology (registrar)
Sophie Wild - Healing from PTSD
Ali Al Battaat - Social Worker/ Director of an NDIS support service
Ross Morley - Counsellor 3 years
Lakshmi Krishnan - Counselling and Psychotherapy Student
Y. Le - Art therapist
Heba Salah - Psychologist
Rachel Roberts - Art therapist
Ruby Tavener - Social worker
Leonie Agnew - Registered Nurse and Mental Health Nurse for over 40 years
Lilly McCann - Provisional Psychologist
Frankie Hanman Siegersma - Narrative therapist and peer worker of 5 years
Antar Firak - Mental health/Yth Worker, Breath & Body Worker, Father.
Tara Scott - Critical Social Worker
Suzy Tamimi - Been a patient of mental health care for half my life
Avrille Burrows - Mental Health Social Worker & Arts Therapist 13+ years
Jacs Powell - Psychotherapist and Counsellor
Rose Cuff - Mental health practitioner
Lan Courtney - Social Worker
Menere - Social Worker
Eliza Zanuso - Social worker / somatic therapist / Community Development practitoner
Claire Levick - Psychotherapy Student (3rd year Gestalt Institute)
Myra Blankenship - Counsellor and current peer support worker
Rica Carao - Peer Worker
Christopher Brett-Renes     - Therapist 10 years
Jasmin Treloar - Speech pathologist of 5 years
Max Castle - Family violence counsellor
Meredith Medway - Clinical psychologist
Sam Brhaspati Stott - Consumer/survivor/ex-patient/lived experience worker of 10 years
Lynette Arkadie - Wellbeing teacher & spiritual counsellor
Defah Dattner - Mental Health Social Worker
Josh Moorhouse - Lived Experience Researcher
Ailsa Rayne - Peer worker 39/researcher 23/BPsych 16/QBE 48
Carol Dowling - Outreach worker
Monica Noriega - PsyD Clinical Psychologist, 2 years
Courtney Garcia Puckett     - Provisional Licensed Professional Counsellor
Minna Tom - Social worker (graduate)
Amy Payne - Psychologist for 14 years
Skye Morgan - Mental health peer worker
Ariana Valadez - Therapist, 1.5 years
Olivia Mancing - Licensed Social Worker 5 years
Eloise Raab - Art Psychotherapist 9 years
Chandni kantaria - Counsellor. Paramedic for 10 years
Christine Carey - Clinical Psychologist
Amber Biglin - Nurse for over 20 years
Sharne - Somatic Breath and Yoga Therapist
Liz McCarthy - Creative Arts Therapist
Salma Suliman 
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