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RUSGAS LinkedIn Bounty
250+ connections: 5 stakes

500+ connections: 10 stakes

Influencer: 50 stakes


Subscribe to the official RusGas LinkedIn
Join our Telegram channel and Telegram group for updates
At least 250 connections / followers. All the followers must be real
The account should be public
Not completely filled profiles will not be accepted. It should contain your personal information, experience, etc.
Make a public post about the sale of RusGas tokens and include a link to the website and the following hashtags: #RusGas #preico #ico #crowdsale #token #blockchain #bountycampaign
Comments under RusGas page posts should be informative and constructive
Make sure to check your grammar mistakes before making the comment. The minimum length for comment is 50 characters
Like and repost official RusGas posts at least once a week
Do not comment twice on the same RusGas post, unless there is a discussion
Any spam or non original content will result in immediate disqualification
Email *
Bitcointalk Username *
Bitcointalk profile Link *
For sharing the correct link, you should go to your “profile” on Bitcointalk forum and click on the "summary" (profile info), and only then copy the link to your profile (ex:;u=1718900)
LinkedIn Account URL *
Please, share your "LinkedIn" link
Number of Connections *
Remember that your number of friends & subscribers  must be more than 250
ERC-20 Wallet Address *
EXCHANGE wallets are NOT ACCEPTED, since there is a risk that you WILL NOT RECEIVE your REWARD
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