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SNAP Friends Questionnaire
30 responses
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What's your name? 
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Are you a YW or a YM?
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What name do you prefer to go by?
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If you have a cell number, what is it?
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Can we text your cell? (We will only text critical SNAP info)
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We will be using GroupMe for communication.  Can you download the app on your phone?  Or should we communicate with you a dif way?
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What year are you in school?
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When is your birthday?
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Are you proficient at ASL?
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If you play, what instrument do you play?
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What, if any, experience do you have with special needs people?
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What are you hobbies or talents?
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What is your favorite treat?
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What is your favorite primary song or hymn?
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Mark any/all in which you are willing to participate
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What has been your favorite YW/YM activity that you have attended?
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Are you willing to commit to offering your Thursday nights throughout the school year to our special friends barring a FEW understood conflicts, of course?
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Do you have any allergies? If so, what?
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