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ProSUM Project - Market feedback

If you did not have the opportunity to provide your feedback at the ProSUM Information Network (IN) event in 2016 or were not able to attend the workshop, this is your chance to give us your opinion!  Tell us how useful the IN is for you and help us formulate ideas about how we develop the IN and the services associated with the EU Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform (EU-UMKDP). The information will be used to develop the Business Plans to maintain the IN and the EU-UMKDP. We’d be grateful if you could take 10 minutes to share your feedback with us.

If you have any further questions please contact us at 

By completing this form, the delegate hereby agrees the  data provided will be included in a database exclusively meant for internal use of the ProSUM project. Contact data will solely be used with the purpose of contacting individuals in order to manage the Survey and disseminate project results and achievements. Please contact for changes/claims regarding your data management.
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