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New Client Inquiry - Carlson Consulting, LLC
Thanks for your interest in our services! Please fill out this form so that we can get to know your business. We will follow up with any additional questions and a quote.
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Email *
Business Name *
Current Accounting Software *
Are you satisfied with your current accounting software? *
How would you rank your comfort level or skill level with your current accounting software?
Not comfortable at all
Very comfortable. I can use this software fluently.
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Number of active bank accounts (checking and savings) *
Number of active loan accounts (business loans, LOC, investor loans, etc) *
Number of active credit cards *
What is the last month or statement period that most of the above accounts were reconciled? Please include month and year. *
Does your business have a regular payroll? *
If applicable: do you currently utilize a payroll service? If yes, which one?
If applicable: how many active employees do you currently have?
Does your business have a Point of Sale system? *
Which of our services are you most interested in at this time?
What is your monthly budget for accounting work at this time? *
Is there anything else that would be helpful for us to know about your business?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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