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Title I District and School Parent/Family Engagement Evaluation 2022-2023 (Survey Conducted April 2022)
Section 1116
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What is your position or role? Please select one. *
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Google Classroom was a good platform for this work.
The directions and materials were easily understood.
I was fully able to share my ideas.
Our goal was to increase parent involvement.
Do you believe the District Level Allocation should remain at $3500? Please state yes, or no and support your answer. Please provide input into how your school allocation should be used to support students and families. *
Timely and Meaningful Consultation-Title I Grant Application 1112(a)(1)(A)
The Title I Grant must be developed with input from School Administrators, Teachers, Support Personnel and Parents. Please review the list of all of the areas that are currently funded through the Title I grant. Please consider each area below and place a check next to each that you would like to see funding continued in the 22-23 school year.   *
Please list any other areas that you would like to see funded in the 2022-2023 school year using Title I funds. Also, tell us what we can do to assist with your participation in your child's education.
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