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  B.O.O.S.T.™ Retreat Information
B.O.O.S.T.™   - Building Opportunities to Optimize Success Together - is a safe space created for Black and Brown Women to gather for one day to celebrate our strengths, understand what challenges us, and learn tangible ways to move forward with intention   B.O.O.S.T.™    provides time to sit and reflect on both our achievements and our goals, while tapping into the powerful energy within us that is often held captive by all that we are doing to care for others.    B.O.O.S.T.™  creates time and space dedicated to helping one another amplify our potential. So whether you have a dream you have not yet fulfilled, a goal that feels out of reach, or you simply need a BOOST to engage the power within you, I encourage you to invest in yourself by joining us for the next   B.O.O.S.T.™ Retreat
  • Experience the collaborative energy of a small group of Black and Brown women (sessions are limited to 16 people)
  • Build or expand your support network  
  • Learn some tangible strategies to move with intention
  • Breathe deeply
  • Laugh
  • Identify personal goal(s) and steps to achieve them
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