DSF Django Girls Event Sponsorship
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Email *
Your name  *
Name of Event *
Event URL
Not required, but it helps us to understand your event
Describe the event briefly
Tell us about the organisers
Where do you propose holding the event?
When do you propose holding the event?
How many people do you expect to attend?
Tell us about your efforts to promote inclusivity and diversity at the event
If available, provide links to public documents or policies. We'd like to have as much information as possible.
What are your plans for any financial surplus following the event?
We would like to know who or what organisation will be responsible for taking care of surplus funds, and how they will be used.
Describe the support you seek (if applicable)
It's useful to give explicit figures (e.g. "We request a total of $600"), and break down amounts (e.g. "lunches: $400; refreshments: $200. An additional $500 would enable us to provide childcare.")
How will you report back on your event to the DSF?
As a condition of our sponsorship, we will require a report following the event, to help us understand what this sponsorship contributed to. This could be in the form of a report directly to us or a weblog or other article, describing the event, activities, number of attendees and so on.This is important and will help us determine the use of DSF funds for future requests.
How will the DSF's support be publicly recognised and acknowledged?
Anything else?
If there is anything else you'd like to tell us about the event, please do.
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