Los Angeles County Arboretum Field Trip Guide
This form is for your field trip to the arboretum.  As you go through the gardens, please answer the questions on your mobile device.
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The Peacocks of the Arboretum
The peacocks at the arboretum are descendants of a pair bought by Lucky Baldwin.  While at the arboretum you must not feed or attempt to interact with the peacocks.
Is this peacock male?
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Is this a male peacock?
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What is this a picture of?
Garden for all Seasons
This garden is a show case for environmentally friendly fruit and vegetable sustainable gardening in spaces similar to the back yard.
What is the purpose of the olla jar in this garden, and what type of plantings surround it at the arboretum?
Please describe the composting demonstration at the arboretum.
Be sure to describe both of their types of composting.  
At the arboretum they harvest rain water in a  rain barrel.  Please describe the process as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using harvested rain water for irrigation.
The arboretum has a backyard orchard demonstration garden.  In it they show many different types of fruit trees that can be grown in our climate.  How healthy do you think such a orchard would be?
Please be sure to discuss how this orchard would fair against disease, and drought.
Your chice
Please visit one of the following gardens and describe a minimum of three plant species that you observe there and relate your visit through that garden.  The gardens you may choose from are: the California Native Habitat Garden; The Herb Garden; and the Serpent Trail/ Austrialian Discovery Area.  
Garden choice
How would the garden you toured and described above, be well adapted to our local climate?
Would you recommend including elements from the garden you toured in a friend's garden?  Why or why not?
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