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8.29 Self-defense Class
Bellevue Public Library | 1003 Lincoln Road Bellevue NE 68005 | (402) 293-3157 | 


→   Iceni Martial Arts Academy is a traditional Korean martial art form training in Kuk Sool. It combines Buddhist temple martial arts, Family/clan martial arts and Royal court martial arts into one effective fighting style. Within the Iceni syllabus you will learn fighting techniques, falling principles, weapons, pressure point application, and joint manipulation. Using the mentioned skills you will develop a deep understanding of the body, how to manipulate an attacker utilizing any number of self-defense and techniques at your disposal. There are over 200 self-defense techniques under black belt, including defense against, grabs, kicking, clothing techniques, punches, knives and more. In the introductory self-defense workshop, we will cover a few basic and advanced techniques that with practice you can utilize efficiently and keep with you for years to come. We will cover escape techniques from grabbing the wrist and clothing, pressure point application and cell phone self-defense and if time permits cane.

• Date and Time:  Thursday, August 5th at 6:30 PM

• Participants must be 18+. This class is for participants who are 18 years of age or older.


Questions? Please contact us at or (402) 293-3157.

Note: please provide a personal email address, and not one within an intranet server (e.g. a student email address, like "").

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