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2024 Law Day Registration
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Email *
Name *
Have you ever participated in our Law Day in the past? *
Law School *
If you are a pre-law student, please provide information on your current college or university, your expected graduation date, and your major?
Mailing Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Cell Phone Number
May we use the number above to text you event reminders and/or important schedule or parking information?
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Student Year *
If in a part-time program, what year are you?
Tell us about yourself (i.e. Undergraduate degree, professional background, area of practice interest, previous legal experience, etc.) *
Do you intend to practice law in Georgia after graduation? *
What practice areas are you interested in? *
Comments/Special Dietary Requests
Days in attendance (you do not have to attend both days, but we highly encourage you to do so!) *
Do you want to register for the Fellowship Luncheon?
There is a $20 charge for this event. Students who attend may be refunded $10 after Law Day, upon request.
Payment information will be included in the next page. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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