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General Commission Form
Fill out this form to submit a commission request. Please read the terms of service before submitting. Terms of Service can be seen here:
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Email *
COMMISSION: What may I draw for you? *
DESCRIPTION: Please describe what you would like to have drawn. *
SPECIFICS: Please list any specifics, like mood, expression, jewelry, etc. *
REFERENCES: If you have references you'd like to share, please paste links here.
Don't have reference links?
DIRECT CONTACT: In case I have questions or concerns during the process, is there another way I may contact you directly? (Instagram, Messenger, Twitter) *
If "YES", then please provide me your name/handle or link.
TWITCH STREAM: May I draw your commission during a stream?
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If "YES", would you like to be notified ahead of time before the stream starts?
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