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Youth of Color Virtual Talent Show Registration

Register here for the "Youth of Color Virtual Talent Show" hosted by Freedom, Inc. and Milestone Democratic School on Saturday October 17th from 6pm - 8pm.

Open to any young person of color, ages 18 and under, who can dance, sing, rap, play instruments, make people laugh, etc.Performances can be no longer than 5 minutes.

The talent show will take place via Zoom and be streamed on Freedom, Inc's Facebook Live. Please be sure to download the Zoom app and set up your account before hand. Each participant will be responsible for their own sound, equipment, internet connection, etc. If you need other special accommodations, please contact Bianca Gomez;

Please be sure to include a valid email in your registration. You will be sent a Zoom Link, the line up and other important event details on Friday, October 16th.

1st Place - $100 per group
2nd Place - $75 per group
3rd Place - $50 per group

Judges will choose winners based on the following: Overall performance; Stage appearance and presence; Personality; Creativity; Organization/Coordination.

If you have any questions, please email Bianca Gomez;

Registration ends Friday, October 16th at Noon.

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Name or Group Name: *
Number of People in Group: *
Age(s) *
Act Description *
Address (This is where your prize will be sent). *
Phone Number *
 Email *
By signing this, I am agreeing to perform the above act on Saturday, October 17, 2020 6pm - 8pm. If for some reason I need to cancel, I will notify Bianca of Freedom Inc immediately at  I understand the show, including my performance, may be recorded. *
I give permission to Freedom Inc. to use above named child’s photo or video, and likeness for the purpose of promotion by Freedom Inc. for all forms, media and manners, for the following, but not limited to, news releases, photographs, video, audio, website, marketing, advertising, trade, promotion, exhibition for an indefinite period of time. (sign below that you agree) *
This is a complete release of liability and a legally binding contract. This Agreement is to be construed as broadly as possible. Participant signs this Agreement of his/her own free will and agrees to be bound by it, from the date of his/her signature, forever into the future (sign below that you agree) *
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