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More than half of the people in the city of Milwaukee pay rent for their housing. (And there are a variety of living situations such as living with family, friends, or roommates, sleep in shelters, stay on the streets or in cars, or 'camp' on property they do not own. Milwaukee is home to a variety of landlords like slumlords, corporate landlords, and absentee landlords (those that do not live in the area where they own), who are all looking to take advantage of city's tenants. 

We at the Milwaukee Autonomous Tenants Union believe this power imbalance is wrong, and we are tenants working to change it. We are an all-volunteer union fighting to end housing insecurity and make housing a human right. To achieve this goal we fight for the immediate needs of tenants such as maintenance, security, eviction prevention, and prevention of rent raises. We combine the struggle for tenants' immediate needs with political education to relay the importance of the systemic change that needs to happen to make high-quality housing a human right.

We use a variety of on-the-ground organizing, education, outreach and direct action to build tenant power in Milwaukee. We organize to challenge evictions, collectively bargain over rent, and win demands from negligent landlords to work towards community control of housing for everyone.

We invite you to check out our website (, Facebook page , Instagram page, and Twitter page  to learn more about of our work.

Before completing the following membership questionnaire, we ask you read our bylaws:

In solidarity,

Milwaukee Autonomous Tenants Union
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