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Daily Court-Watching Impressions Form
Please complete this form at the end of each day of court-watching.
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What is your name? *
What is your email? *
On what day did you court-watch? *
In what county did you court-watch? *
Was there any case that struck you as a particularly fair or unfair example of the bond court process? 
What were court actors (judges, prosecutors, public defenders, bailiffs, etc.) like? How did they treat accused people and their families? Did you see differences by race, gender, or other axis of privilege?
To your best guess, what proportion of accused people whose hearings you observed today were represented by an attorney? *
An attorney can be a private attorney or a Public Defender.
If you observed Domestic Violence Court, is there anything from that experience you think is particularly worth noting in terms of how the case was handled and how people were treated?
What would you want other people in your community to know about what you observed in bond court?
Is there anything else you would like to say?
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